Copy Boycott (tcgtc0285m000)
Use this session to copy a source boycott to the target boycott ID.
Field Information
- Boycott ID
The ID of the source boycott transaction from which the data is copied.
- Priority
The priority number assigned to the source boycott transaction.
- Export
Indicates that the source boycott transaction is an export order.
- Domestic Outbound
Indicates that the source boycott transaction is a domestic sales order.
- Import
Indicates that the source boycott transaction is an import order.
- Domestic Inbound
Indicates that the source boycott transaction is a domestic purchase order.
- Boycott ID
The ID of the target boycott transaction to which the data is copied.
- Priority
The priority number assigned to the target boycott transaction.
- Export
Indicates that the target boycott transaction is an export order.
- Domestic Outbound
Indicates that the target boycott transaction is a domestic sales order.
- Import
Indicates that the target boycott transaction is an import order.
- Domestic Inbound
Indicates that the target boycott transaction is a domestic purchase order.
- Copy Lines
If this check box is selected, LN copies boycott transaction lines.
- Copy Item Lines
If this check box is selected, LN copies boycott item lines.
- Copy Line Exceptions
If this check box is selected, LN copies boycott line exceptions.