Re-export transfers

Goods in inventory that have been received for a particular EUS and EUD can be transferred to another EUS. The goods stay in inventory, but they are assigned to the other EUS. When outbound advice is created for a demand order that is linked to the other EUS, the transferred goods can be advised for the target EUS, that is, the other EUS linked to the outbound order lines of the demand order.

To re-export an EUS, re-export end user declarations and re-export transfer orders are used.

A re-export end user declaration is a document issued by the exporting country that grants permission to re-export the goods for a different EUS.

On the re-export end user declaration, a link to the target EUS and an item line is specified. The item line shows the item quantity that is to be re-exported to the target EUS. You can only use re-export end user declarations that have the Approved status.

A re-export transfer order is composed of a header, a line, and line details.

The header consists of the ID and the warehouse in which the inventory is stored that is to be re-exported.

On the re-export transfer order line, a link to re-export end user declaration is specified. If required, the item quantity to be re-exported can be adjusted.

If the originating EUD is linked to a project, you can specify a different target project on the re-export transfer order line.

For lot-controlled items, you can specify a different target lot on the re-export transfer order line details. This is required if the quantity transferred is less than the lot size on hand in inventory.

For serialized items, you can specify different target serial numbers on the re-export transfer order line details.

To complete the re-export transfer, the re-export transfer order must be processed. After processing, the lot numbers or the serial numbers of the goods in inventory are assigned to the target EUS ad EUD. Consequently, the goods can be issued for a demand order for the target EUS and EUD.

When the re-export transfer order is processed, a cost peg transfer is performed in the background if a different target project peg was specified. See Cost peg transfers in Warehousing.

In the Project Cost Peg Transfers (whinh1140m000) and Project Cost Peg Transfer (whinh1640m000) sessions, the Re-export Transfer check box is selected for cost peg transfer orders created for re-export transfers.

If different target lot or serial numbers are specified, a lot or serial transfer is automatically performed.