Post Onboarding Profile

The supplier can update the information in the Enterprise Collaboration Portal Profile.

The supplier updates the information using the Profile section in the Enterprise Collaboration Portal only if the permissions are defined in the Post Onboarding Controls (tcclb0199m000) session. Possible values:

  • Allowed: The supplier can modify the information and the updates are displayed in the application .
  • Allowed with approval: The supplier can modify the information, and the updates are sent to the customer for approval. The changes are displayed in the application only after the approval of the customer.
  • Not allowed: The supplier cannot update the information.

Based on these permissions, the updated information is displayed in the Buy-from Business Partner Documents (tcbcm1105m000), Business Partners (tccom4500m000) sessions.

  • The existing business partners can update the information in the Enterprise Collaboration Portal only if the business partner is mapped to an external entity in the External ID Business Partners (tcclb1122m000) session.
  • The name of the subcontractor who modified the information is displayed as SVC-LN in the application. However, the contractor who approves the updates is displayed as the application user.