
Blocking the unapproval of paid purchase invoices

In some companies, it is not allowed to unapprove paid supplier invoices. To accommodate this, the Block Unapproval of Paid Supplier Invoices parameter has been added to the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session. If this parameter is selected, you cannot unapprove supplier invoices that are anticipated or paid. A message is displayed when you try to unapprove such an invoice.

These sessions have been modified to support this:

  • Process Purchase Invoices (tfacp2107m000)
  • Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000)

Unallocated receipts - remaining amount allocation

New functionality has been added for customers who have implemented a segregation of duty between posting incoming customer receipts and allocating these receipts to invoices.

The receipts are posted as unallocated receipts in the transaction type of the bank by the Treasury department. The assignment of these unallocated receipts by the Accounts Receivable department, is done in a different transaction type, which is intended for assigning unallocated receipts to invoices. This assignment is carried out in accordance with the specification received from the customer. If there is a discrepancy between the invoice balances and the total unallocated receipt amount, for example, because of price differences, problems with the goods received, or payment differences, the discrepancy must not be linked to an invoice because it is still under investigation or negotiated.

You can now distinguish between the unallocated amounts that are being investigated and the unallocated receipts that were initially posted in the bank. The remaining amounts can now be posted as unallocated receipts by using the transaction type that is used for assigning the unallocated invoices.

In the Assign Unallocated/Advance Receipts to Invoices (tfcmg2105s000) session, a New button has been added to start the Enter Amounts for Assignment (tfcmg2107s000) session. In this session, you can specify the unallocated amount that is being investigated, a cash flow reason, a problem code, and a descriptive text.