acceptable quality level

The minimum percentage of a test sample that must be approved to have the entire item quantity approved. For instance, if the AQL is set to 90 and the percentage approved lies below that figure, the entire quantity is rejected.


advice number

The number of the individual advice line. A warehousing order line can be subdivided into one or more advice lines depending on the number of lots and/or locations that have been assigned.


An expression that is used to compute a characteristic by means of other variables or fixed characteristics.


An activity type that specifies an appointment scheduled for a contact, business partner, opportunity, or activity that you want to track through completion. An appointment has invited atttendees.

archive company

A company created for the purpose of archiving historic documents and data. You can store redundant data in an archive company.

To access and retrieve data from an archive company, you must change company to the archive company.


The type of functionality for which you set the parameters in the Parameter Wizard. For example, functionality that is only required in specific countries has the Country aspect.


An aspect is a specification of a feature.


A part of an item. For example, a bolt can have the aspects head and tail. An aspect can have one or more characteristics. For example, a head can have a diameter and a length, and a tail can have a diameter and a color.

bill of material (BOM)

A list of all parts, raw materials, and subassemblies that go into a manufactured item and show the quantity of each of the parts required to make the item. The BOM shows the single-level product structure of a manufactured item.

blocking reason

The reason an operation is temporarily not allowed to proceed.

Reasons for blocking are:

  • The quality must be inspected.
  • The equipment has failed.
  • The customer did not pay the last installment.

BOM position number

A reference number identifying a specific combination of manufactured and component items in a bill of material. The position number is subdivided by sequence numbers that are used to refer to usage of a component between particular dates.

Business Object Document (BOD)

An XML message used to exchange data between enterprises or enterprise applications. The BOD is composed of a noun, which identifies the message content, and a verb, which identifies the action to be taken with the document. The unique combination of the Noun and the Verb forms the name of the BOD. For example, noun ReceiveDelivery combined with verb Sync results in BOD SyncReceiveDelivery.

business partner

A party with whom you carry out business transactions, for example, a customer or a supplier. You can also define departments within your organization that act as customers or suppliers to your own department as business partners.

The business partner definition includes:

  • The organization's name and main address.
  • The language and currency used.
  • Taxation and legal identification data.

You address the business partner in the person of the business partner's contact. The business partner's status determines if you can carry out transactions. The transactions type (sales orders, invoices, payments, shipments) is defined by the business partner's role.

buy-from business partner

The business partner from whom you order goods or services; this usually represents a supplier's sales department. The definition includes the default price and discount agreements, purchase-order defaults, delivery terms, and the related ship-from and invoice-from business partner.



The refurbishing of an instrument to make it fit for use.

calibration date

The date on which an instrument is calibrated.

calibration interval

The interval between one calibration and the next. The interval shows when the next calibration will take place: after n days, or after n times used.


A reference to a particular quality or distinctive mark of an item or an item part/component. For example, diameter, length, weight.

characteristic unit

The unit in which an item's characteristic is expressed, for example, meters, kilograms.


Lists the points to which the service engineer must pay attention during the execution of a service activity. Checklists are used to group specific checks so that more than one check can be defined for a reference activity. According to the answers expected from the check, space is provided when printing the document related to the service order.

code letter

Letters used to determine the various code letters that are applicable for a sampling rule.

code letter table

The table used to determine the various code letter applicable for a sampling rule. The table groups together the various code letters.


A working environment in which you can carry out logistic or financial transactions. All the transaction data is stored in the company's database.

Depending on the type of data that the company controls, the company is:

  • A logistic company.
  • A financial company.
  • A logistic and a financial company.

In a multicompany structure, some of the database tables can be unique for the company and the company can share other database tables with other companies.


An agreement with the business partner that defines the terms and conditions like deliverables, billing plan, payment terms and so on. A contract can be linked to one or more projects.

conversion factor

The multiplication factor used to convert an alternative unit to the base unit. The conversion factor is calculated as follows: (alternative unit/base unit)

corrective action plan (CAP)

The plan that details the actions performed to prevent recurrence of non-conformance or failure. The plan is based on the non-conformance material report (NCMR).

cycle counting

The periodical count of the item inventory to verify if the system data is still accurate.


A company's organizational unit that carries out a specific set of tasks, for example, a sales office or a purchase office. Departments are assigned number groups for the orders they issue. The department's enterprise unit determines the financial company to which the financial transactions that the department generates are posted.

destructive test

A test in which the tested items are destroyed after testing.

Detection Controls

Indicates the controls used to identify a cause, failure mode, or an effect.


Manner in which quarantined manufactured or purchased items or materials are handled, for example by scrapping, reworking or returning to the vendor.

effectivity unit

A reference number, for example a sales order line or a project deliverable line, that is used to model deviations for a unit effective item.


A person who works at your company who has a specific function such as sales representative, production planner, buyer, or credit analyst.

engineering item

An item in the process of development.

You can define multiple revisions of an engineering item. Typically, the most recent revisions are still in a design or test phase, another revision may have been taken into production, and older revisions are obsolete.

A normal item can only become revision-controlled when it is copied from the Engineering Data Management module.


enterprise unit

A financially independent part of your organization that consists of entities such as departments, work centers, warehouses, and projects. The enterprise unit's entities must all belong to the same logistic company, but a logistic company can contain multiple enterprise units. An enterprise unit is linked to a single financial company.

When you carry out logistic transactions between enterprise units, these are posted in the financial companies to which each enterprise unit is linked. The enterprise-structure models define the relationships between the enterprise units, and the goods transfer that can take place between the enterprise units. To use invoicing and pricing between enterprise units, you must link the enterprise units to internal business partners.

You can use enterprise units to perform separate financial accounting for parts of your business. For example, you can define enterprise units for separate parts of your organization that belong to one logistic company but which are located in different countries. The accounting of each enterprise unit is performed in each country's national currency and in the financial company linked to the enterprise unit.


A separate and independent building block for a cluster and/or an enterprise unit. For example, warehouse, work center, employee, sales department, purchase department, project, customer, supplier, financial company.

Failure Mode

The mode in which an item or operation fails to meet or deliver the intended functions and associated requirements.


The interval between two samples, expressed in the frequency unit.

Explanation: A new sample of 10 pieces is drawn for every 100 pieces. In this case there will be 11 samples of 10 pieces.


Sample 10 pieces
Frequency 100 pieces
Order quantity 1150 pieces

frequency unit

The unit in which the sample size is expressed.

general data

General archiving data includes master data from all LN application packages, such as Sales, Warehousing, Manufacturing, and Common.

handling unit

A uniquely identifiable physical unit that consists of packaging and contents. A handling unit can contain items. A handling unit has a structure of packaging materials used to pack items, or is a part of such a structure.

A handling unit includes the following attributes:

  • Identification code
  • Packaging item (optional)
  • Quantity of packaging items (optional)

If you link an item to a handling unit, the item is packed by means of the handling unit. The packaging item refers to the type of container or other packing material of which the handling unit consists. For example, by defining a packaging item such as Wooden Crate for a handling unit, you specify that the handling unit is a wooden crate.

inbound advice

A list generated by LN that indicates the location where received goods must be stored, taking into account storage conditions, blockings, and so on.

Infor ION

An event-driven and XML-based messaging engine. This is the standard message bus. The message bus and its message standards provide the infrastructure for transporting messages to other application modules in a secure way.

inspection level

The level at which inspections are conducted.

inspection order

An order used to structure the inspection of products that are purchased, produced, or sold.

inspection standard

The standards (Example ISO, DIN, MIL and so on) used to test one or more characteristics of a product, to determine if conformity is achieved for each characteristic.


A tool that is used during quality tests to measure particular characteristics of an item.


Instrument acidimeter
Characteristic pH value

inventory date

A date that is assigned to items when they are stored. You can use inventory dates to retrieve items based on FIFO (First In First Out) or LIFO (Last In First Out), without carrying out extensive lot control.

The meaning of the inventory date is connected to the outbound priority of LIFO, FIFO, or the product expiry date of the item.

With outbound priority LIFO or FIFO, the default for the inventory date is the system date; however, you can overwrite this so that the inventory date does not have to be equal to the storage date. If the item has a particular shelf life, the inventory date is the product expiry date defined for the item.

inventory unit

The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.


The raw materials, subassemblies, finished products, and tools that can be purchased, stored, manufactured, and sold.

An item can also represent a set of items handled as one kit, or which exist in multiple product variants.

You can also define nonphysical items, which are not retained in inventory but can be used to post costs or to invoice services to customers. The examples of nonphysical items:

  • Cost items (for example, electricity)
  • Service items
  • Subcontracting services
  • List items (menus/options)


A standard maintenance item.

item code

Identification code for an item (product, component, or part). The item code can consist of multiple fields or segments.

item code systems

External, alternative methods of coding items. Item-code systems can be general standard systems (for example, EAN) or specific, customer-dependent or supplier-dependent systems.

item group

A group of items with similar characteristics. Each item belongs to a particular item group. The item group is used in combination with the item type to set up item defaults.

item identification set

A list of the lot codes and/or serial numbers of an item listed on an object such as a sales order line. The item identification set can be used in invoicing or after-sales service.


The number of times a process is repeated to ensure that inspection standards are met.


A distinct place in a warehouse where goods are stored.

A warehouse can be divided into locations to manage the available space, and to locate the stored goods. Storage conditions and blocks can be applied to individual locations.


A number of items produced and stored together that are identified by a (lot) code. Lots identify goods.

lot item

An item that is subject to lot control.


A planning unit for a customized, manufactured, or purchased part, for which the logistical planning is related directly to the project network planning. A module may be a more or less complex compound part or a single part, such as a long delivery time part.

non-conformance report (NCR)

The report that identifies non-conformance of material during QM/warehousing inspection or during the movement of the materials and/or when the material is in stock.

number group

A group of first free number series that you can assign to a specific use.

For example, you can assign a number group to:

  • Business partner codes
  • Purchase contracts
  • Sales orders
  • Production orders
  • Service orders
  • Warehousing orders
  • Freight orders

Within a number group you can define multiple series. Each series is identified by the series code. The series numbers that LN generates consist of the series code followed by the first free number in the series. Series codes of the same number group have the same length.


Occurrence is the likelihood of the fault and the associated cause exists in the item being analyzed.


One of a series of steps in a routing that are carried out successively to produce an item.

The following data is collected during a routing operation:

  • The task. For example, sawing.
  • The machine used to carry out the task (optional). For example, sawing machine.
  • The place where the task is carried out (work center). For example, woodwork.
  • The number of employees required to carry out the task.

This data is used to compute order lead times, to plan production orders and to calculate standard cost.


A step in a master routing. Based on a reference activity, an operation is identified by a unique sequence number.


A possible value of a characteristic. Options can be grouped in option sets. For each option, you can indicate whether it is acceptable.

option set

A group of possible values of a characteristic. For each value (option) you can indicate whether it is acceptable or not.

The options blue and red form an option set


Characteristic pH value
Test Litmus test
Options blue = acceptable
red = not acceptable

order line

An order entry. It includes information about an item on an order.

order origin

The source of the information on which an order is based, such as LN sessions, or user defined sources such as phone, mail, and so on.

order quantity

The quantity for which the inspection is required. Consequently, the result of the inspection order concerns the quality of this quantity.


An integrated module or package to which an (inspection) order is related.

outbound advice

A list generated by LN that advises you the location and lot from which goods must be picked and possibly issued, taking into account factors such as blocked locations and the outbound method.


Periods divide a year into regular intervals, such as weeks, months, or quarters, that can be used for statistical, hours accounting, planning, and cost controlling purposes.

period table

A table that consists of any number of time units, for example, months or weeks.

A period is used to define the time horizon during which, for example, a schedule is valid.

physical breakdown

A serialized item's composition and structure, defined by the parent-child relationships of its constituent items. The physical breakdown can be displayed in a multilevel structure or a single-level structure.

production model

A predefined configuration that specifies the production method, list of materials, time and capacity required and reporting method.

A production model contains the following:

  • Production process
  • Time and capacity required
  • Production process reporting
  • Materials supply process
  • Item inspection method
  • Required tools

If the Multi-Product Production check box on a production model for repetitive manufacturing is selected, a list of products is added to the production model that specifies which items are produced.

  • Production models are revision controlled. A new revision is generated for every change to the existing configuration.
  • The order system must be Planned.
  • Project Control is disabled.


An endeavour with a special objective to be met within the prescribed time and money limitations and that has been assigned for definition or execution.


An endeavor with a specific objective to be met within the prescribed time and financial limitation, and that has been assigned for definition or execution.

quality combination

The conditions that determine the generation of inspection orders, and how the inspections are carried out.

A quality combination links the following information:

  • The module or package that is the origin of the quality inspections.
  • The item or quality group to which the quality inspections apply.
  • The quality requirements that must be met (defined in the quality ID).

quality group

A group of items with similar quality characteristics. The data defined for the quality group are used as defaults for all items of that quality group.

quantity ordered

The quantity to be produced in a production order.

reason for rejection

The reason why received goods did not pass the inspection.


To make a component serviceable again.


An entity such as employee, work center, or machine.


A version or revised version of an engineering item (E-item) or a revision-controlled item, that is, an item linked to an E-item. Several revisions of an E-item can exist.


E-item: Mountain bike E-MB01

Revision Description Status
A1 Draft drawing of bike Not released
A2 Drawing of bike Not released
A3 Parent E-item of bike MB01 Released
A4 Obsolete bike Canceled

Risk Priority Number

A numerical ranking of the risk of each potential failure and the cause. The number comprises of severity of the effect, the likelihood of occurrence of the failure and the likelihood of detection of the failure.

Risk Priority Number(RPN)= Severity Ranking * Occurence Ranking * Detection Ranking


The sequence of operations required to manufacture an item.

For each operation, the reference operation, machine, and work center are specified, as well as information about setup time and cycle time.


A small quantity that is drawn from the total (order) quantity and which represents the order quantity's quality.

sample quantity

When you draw a sample of a specific order quantity, you often do not want to test all the pieces at once. A sample quantity is the actual quantity that is drawn from the total sample size, and that is tested at once.

sample size

The total quantity of samples from the order quantity to be tested, expressed in the unit of the sample size. The sample size can be entered as a fixed quantity or as a percentage of either the order quantity or the frequency (if you selected Continuous Sampling as test type).

sampling iterations

The number of iterations required to complete the sampling process.

sampling plan

A plan used to define:

  • Sample (quantity) size to be tested.
  • Standard of inspections to be followed.
  • The severity of the inspection that the item requires.

sampling rule

The rules that are based on sampling plans. The rules define how and when samples are taken and the sample and accept/reject criteria.

search key

An alternative form of a description used for convenience during searching. Typically, it is an abbreviation, an acronym, or a mnemonic alternative to a full description.


The sequence number of the inspection order on the basis of which characteristics are tested on different samples.

sequence number

A number that determines the sequence.

A number that determines the sequence in which:

  • records are displayed in an overview session or list box
  • components such as features are shown in the user menu (user dialog).

sequence number

The number that identifies a data record or a step in a sequence of activities. Sequence numbers are used in many contexts. Usually LN generates the sequence number for the next item or step. Depending on the context, you can overwrite this number.

serialized item

A physical occurrence of a standard item that is given a unique lifetime serial number. This enables tracking of the individual item throughout its lifetime, for example, through the design, production, testing, installation, and maintenance phases. A serialized item can consist of other serialized components.

Examples of serialized items are cars (Vehicle Identification Number), airplanes (tail numbers), PCs, and other electronic equipment (serial numbers).

serial number

A unique number generated by LN to distinguish between the different measurements you can take in one sample quantity. The number of measurements is based on the test quantity.


Sample quantity 100 pieces
Test quantity 20 pieces

Explanation: You need to do 5 tests on 20 pieces to get a sample quantity of 100 pieces (100/20=5). Consequently, 5 test lines will be generated, each with a unique serial number.

serial number

The unique identification of a single physical item. LN uses a mask to generate the serial number. The serial number can consist of multiple data segments that represent, for example, a date, model and color information, sequence number, and so on.

Serial numbers can be generated for items and for tools.


A group of order numbers or document numbers starting with the same series code.

Series identify orders with certain characteristics. For example, all sales orders handled by the large accounts department start with LA (LA0000001, LA0000002, LA0000003, and so on).


The severity associated with the most serious effect for a failure mode.

ship-from business partner

The business partner who ships the ordered goods to your organization. This usually represents a supplier's distribution center or warehouse. The definition includes the default warehouse at which you want to receive the goods and if you want to inspect the goods, the carrier that takes care of the transport, and the related buy-from business partner.

ship-from supplier

ship-to business partner

The business partner to whom you ship the ordered goods. This usually represents a customer's distribution center or warehouse. The definition includes the default warehouse from which you send the goods, the carrier who carries out the transport, and the related sold-to business partner.

ship-to customer


A business location of an enterprise that can maintain its own logistical data. It includes a collection of warehouses, departments and assembly lines at the same location. Sites are used to model the supply chain in a multisite environment.

These restrictions apply to sites:

  • A site cannot cross countries. The warehouses and departments of the site must be in the same country as the site.
  • A site is linked to one planning cluster. Consequently, all warehouses and work centers of a site must belong to the same planning cluster.
  • A site is linked to one logistic company.

You can link a site to an enterprise unit or an enterprise unit to a site.

If an enterprise unit is linked to a site, the entities of the site belong to the enterprise unit. Conversely, if a site is linked to an enterprise unit, the entities of the enterprise unit belong to the site.


The specific know-how or technical expertise that an employee must have to carry out activities. For example, knowledge of electricity, specific equipment, and so on.

sold-to business partner

The business partner who orders goods or services from your organization, who owns the configurations you maintain, or for whom you perform a project. Usually a customer's purchase department.

The agreement with the sold-to business partner can include:

  • Default price and discount agreements
  • Sales order defaults
  • Delivery terms
  • The related ship-to and invoice-to business partner

standard test procedure

The code to which data is linked that is necessary to check the quality requirements of an item. Since one standard test procedure can be used for a group of products that require the same quality standards and tests, a standard test procedure can considerably reduce time.

storage inspection

Inspections on items in inventory which require regular checkup. To carry out these checks or inspections, you must define the items and the reason for inspection. The selected items are blocked in inventory after which inspection orders are generated.


A structure is a combination of either a system or a sub-system, and a fault code. This structure can be linked to various combinations of systems/subsystems and faults.


A business partner that is hired to perform certain services, such as the execution of a part of a project or production order. The services are delivered via a purchase order.


A means to further classify items.

A sub-item can either be:

  • A component item used in a bill of material.
  • A material used in a formula.


An activity to manufacture or repair an item. For example, sawing, drilling, or painting.

A task is carried out on a work center, and can be related to a machine.


A way to group employees for planning and authorization purposes. If you assign roles to a team, all the employees assigned to the team have the authorizations that correspond to the roles.


An examination or check done on a characteristic. You can link one or more tests to a characteristic.

test areas

The physical location where tests take place.

test group

The definition of how often you take samples to test an order quantity, and what the sample size is.

test quantity

The part of the sample quantity that is tested. Example: A 5 kg sample will be tested by testing 1 kg at a time.

test quantity

The part of the sample quantity that is tested each time.

Explanation: A 5 kg sample will be tested by testing 1 kg at a time.

test unit

The unit that applies to the test. For example, meter, liter, or kilogram..


The amount by which a value is allowed to differ from the intended value.


The physical quantity in which an item or good is managed. For example, a quantity of wood can be expressed as a length by using the unit of one meter, or as a volume by using the unit of one cubic meter.

unit set

A group of unit codes that can be linked to standard or customized items, or to item defaults. In a unit set, you can indicate the physical quantities that can be used for the item, in which modules, and for what purposes.


The person that works with an application software package.


A code that holds the value of a aspect or characteristic. This value will be used in the expression of an algorithm to calculate the value of another aspect or characteristic.


A place for storing goods. For each warehouse, you can enter address data and data relating to its type.

work cell

A production unit consisting of one or more work stations in a fixed sequence.

A work cell is used in repetitive manufacturing for the production of a repetitive item.

work center

A specific production area consisting of one or more people and/or machines with identical capabilities, that can be considered as one unit for purposes of the capacity requirement planning and detailed scheduling.