Configuring On-Prem Components solution

For the latest CAD Connectors and OnPrem Components, refer to KB 2226796.

  1. Unzip the file to a temp folder for example c:\Temp.
  2. Copy the folder to the required location. For example, c:\Installation\.
  3. Open Windows > IIS manager.
  4. Right-click on Sites > Add WebSite.

  5. Specify the Site name, Physical path. For example, c:\Installation\.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Browse the URL to create configuration file. For example,
  8. Access the Web.config file from the Physical path. For example, c:\Installation\.
  9. Update this appSettings:
        <add key="kisters_input_files_path" value="<Temporary path for download files for Kisters> " />
        <add key="exepath" value="C:\Kisters\WebViewer\KAS.exe" />
        <add key="outputpath" value="C:\Kisters\WebViewer\models\integration_sample_models\" />
        <add key="markuppath" value="C:\Kisters\WebViewer\models\integration_sample_models\" />
        <add key="kisterurl" value="http://hostname:port/index.html?file=C:/Kisters/WebViewer/models/integration_sample_models/" />
        <add key="solrURL" value="http://hostname:port/solr" />

    Update kisterurl value based on configuration. See, Kisters Installation Process.

    Update solrURL value based on configuration. See, SOLR Installation Process.