Saving Content Center files
The save process of any "content center" file goes through the following
- For any of the Save to PLM operations, the system checks if the file is a "content center" file and located under the content center folder pointed to by the current "project".
- If the file is determined as a content center file, the file name given in PLM will be the actual file name with a prefix made up of the directory path location of the file in the Content Center.
For example: The following "content center" file: “C:\Documents and Settings\abeiser\My Documents\Inventor\Content Center Files\R10\en-US\DIN ISO 1481 - C\ST2.2-4. 5.ipt” will be saved as: “DIN ISO 1481 – C_ST2.2-4.5.ipt”.
The content center files are treated as RO files, which you can not change in any case during the Save to PLM process.
Note: The “Delete on Check In” Integration preference does not apply to
these files.
The files are considered as RO in PLM after the initial save. This implies that any subsequent changes and save of a "content center" file does not update the copy in PLM.
- There are two reasons for this limitation, the first is that theoretically these files never change, the second is to improve performance (i.e. we will not save files to PLM that never change).
Note: An item cannot be linked to a "content center" file if during the
initial save, the Integration Preference“Create Documents Only” is set and File is Checked
In. This is a limitation because Content Center Files cannot be checked-Out.