Save process
The save process comprises of two section:
- Generate Input Data
- Register Files
Generate Input Data
This action generates an input file that contains information about the Inventor files under the specified Inventor project directory and its subfolders.
It is not required to open the Inventor at this stage.
To generate the input file:
- Specify Inventor project (.ipj) file path.
- Click .
Register Files
This action saves the files to PLM. The list of files to save to PLM is read from the input file generated during Generate input data.
To save files to PLM:
- Ensure Inventor is not open.
- Specify the Inventor project path. This should be the same project that was selected to generate input file during the step Generate input data.
- Click . Inventor opens and the input Inventor project is set as the active project in Inventor.
- If the connection to PLM exists Inventor automatically connects to PLM or Login to PLM from Inventor.
- Specify the mapping templates for different file types.
- Select Save and unlock or Check in.
- In select the type of files to save to PLM.
- Set the Retry save for failed files option as required.
- Click to start the save operation.