Where-Used Component (pdpdm1535m000)

Use this session to view where the selected item is used such as BOM/Use up Item/Local Alternative.

Note: This session can be accessed from the Reference menu in these sessions:
  • PLM Items (pdpdm1500m000)
  • PLM Item (pdpdm1600m000)
  • BOM (pdpdm1101m000)
  • PLM Item 360 (pdpdm1500m400)

Field Information

The code of the item.
Item Revision
The revision number of the item.
Parent Item
The code of the parent item.
Parent Revision
The revision number of the parent item.

The status of the parent item.

Allowed values

Under Change
Effective From
The date and time from when the parent item is effective.
Effective To
The date and time till which the parent item is effective.
Security Access Level

The security access level of the parent item.

Allowed values

Top Secret
PLM Project
The project linked to the parent item.
Find No.
The find number of the child item.
Child Item
The code of the child item.
The quantity of the child item.
Unit of Measure
The unit in which the quantity of the child item is expressed.

Indicates if text is present for the child item.

As Component

Indicates if the item is used as BOM.

As Use-Up

Indicates if the item is used as use-up Item.

As Local Alternative

Indicates if the item is used as local alternative.