All Users PLM Preferences (pdadm0102m300)

Use this session to set preferences that are applicable for all the PLM users. A user with an Administrator role can set the preferences that are applicable for all users.

Use these tabs to set the preferences:

  • General
  • File
  • Send to Production
  • Workflow
  • System Parameters
  • Revision Control
  • Default Templates

Field Information

User Name
The project code used when creating an object in PLM.
A brief description of the user.
Effective Date
The date and time from when session is updated.
Default Project
The code of the project used as the default when you create an object in PLM.
Number of Levels in Structure Pane
The default number of levels in Structure Workbench (pdpdm8100m000) session.
Allow linking to released Item
If this check box is selected, the application allows linking of objects to released item.
Allow linking to released Document
If this check box is selected, the application allows linking of objects to released Document.
Show Navigation Session
If this check box is selected, the application displays detail sessions of Items, Document, or Folders and BP in the navigation pane.
Change Project Owner removes access to original Project
If this check box is selected, the object is removed from the original project when you modify the owning project of an object.
Manual Revision must comply with Mask
If this check box is selected, the new revisions must comply with mask definition when specifying a manual revision.
Consider User Default Project during Duplicate of Object
If this check box is selected, the Target Objects Project is set to User Default Project defined in User Preferences when duplicating an object.
Use Reference Designators
If this check box is selected, user can add the Reference Designators for Child Item.
Note: This field is enabled only if, the Use Reference Designators check box is selected in the Implemented PLM Software Components (pdadm0110m000) session.
Reference Designators range indicator
The range indicator for the Reference Designators.
Use-Up Materials
If this check box is selected, the Use-Up Item can be linked to Child Items in BOM (pdpdm1601m000) Session.
Note: This field is enabled only if, the Use-up Materials check box is selected in the Implemented PLM Software Components (pdadm0110m000) session.
Show Thumbnails for Item/Document in Session Grid
If this check box is selected, the application displays thumbnail images of the Items or Document in session grid.
Business Partners
Maintain Supplier Part Number

If this check box is selected, the SPN is maintained when linking a Supplier to Item.

Classification Parameters
Classification In Use
If this check box is selected, user can add classification to Item, Document and business process.
Note: This field is enabled only if, the Classification in Use check box is selected in the Implemented PLM Software Components (pdadm0110m000) session.
Author must Classify Items
If this check box is selected, the classification is set to mandatory for Items.
Author must Classify Documents
If this check box is selected, the classification is set to mandatory for Documents.
Author must Classify Requirements
If this check box is selected, the classification is set to mandatory for Requirements.

Allowed values

Display Boolean attributes as list-box in Classification Dialog
If this check box is selected, the application displays the Boolean attributes as the list-box on the Classification session.
Component Engineering
Component Engineering Implemented
If this check box is selected, user can work with component engineering APIs.
Note: This field is enabled only if, the Component Engineering check box is selected in the Implemented PLM Software Components (pdadm0110m000) session.
Find Number Parameters
Initial value for Find No.
The initial value for searching a number to Start With when adding a Child Item in BOM.
Increment value for Find No.
The numerical value to increment for the Next Find No.
Add leading Zeroes in Find No.
If this check box is selected, the leading zeros can be added to the Find No.
Requirements Management
Requirement Management Implemented
If this check box is selected, the requirement management functionality is implemented.

Allowed values

Synchronize files via Main Vault only
If this check box is selected, the application synchronizes files between vaults using the Main vault.
On-demand file multi-vault synchronization
If this check box is selected, the application synchronizes the file with a remote vault only when the file is accessed from this vault.
File Name Uniqueness

Select the file name uniqueness criteria.

Allowed values

Unique across all projects
Unique per project
Duplicate file name is allowed
Set attribute values for new files
If this check box is selected, the user can define required Manual File ID or Revision for a File during Upload.
Set attribute values for new files
If this check box is selected, the Files limit per area can be user can defined.
Files limit per area
Specify the number of files that can be limited per area.
Send To Production
Tree Levels
Specify the value to set the default tree level in PLM during send to production.
Send BOM Designed for Purchase
If this check box is selected, application automatically send the BOM designed for the purchase to the ERP.
ERP Version

The ERP system used for PLM integration. This is set by PLM administrator.

Allowed values

CSI (SyteLine) ERP
ERP Connection using ION
If this check box is selected, PLM integrates with ERP through ION. The PLM administrator set this value.
Use Business Process ID for Received Job-shop BOM ID
If this check box is selected, the received job shop BOM is set to BOM ID with the Business Process ID in when Item is sent to Production using Send to Production Step in Workflow.
ERP Company
The unique identification number of the ERP company for ERP integration. The PLM administrator set this value.
ERP Site
The site defined for the ERP company.
Impact Analysis Configuration
The default Configuration for Impact Analysis.
Send WBS/WP to Projects
Force Sending WBS/WP to Element
If this check box is selected, you must specify the project element to send a WBS or WP item to an industrial project.
Send Items to ERP
If this check box is selected, you are authorized to send the PLM items to ERP.
Send BOM Designed for Purchase
If this check box is selected, application automatically send the BOM designed for the purchase to the ERP.
Restrict use of Dispatch according to Workflow Template Association
If this check box is selected, the dispatch operation retrieves the workflow templates with the association rules.
Note: This field is enabled only if, the Business Process Route Association check box is selected in the Implemented PLM Software Components (pdadm0110m000) session.
Strict Workflow Association Rules
If this check box is selected, user can dispatch the item or document based on the association rules.
Note: This field is enabled only if, the Business Process Route Association check box is selected in the Implemented PLM Software Components (pdadm0110m000) session.
Require Additional Confirmation

If this check box is selected, the user is prompted to specify a reason and further instructions during Rejection or Manual Completion and Cancellation of BP.

Allow locked objects in new BP
If this check box is selected, the application links the locked object to the next Business Process as an unlocked object.
Default Attach to Business Process

The PLM administrator can specify a default condition for the attachments to be linked to the workflow steps or Business Process.

Allowed values

Attach to BP only, locked
The attachment is linked to a business process and user who has initiated the business process can link the attachment to a particular step. Also, the attachment is locked, and no further changes can be made to the attachment.
Attach to BP only, unlocked
The attachment is linked to a business process and user who has initiated the business process can link the attachment to a particular step. Also, the attachment is unlocked.
Attach to all steps, locked
The attachment is linked to all steps. Also, the attachment is locked, and no further changes can be made to the attachment.
Attach to all steps, unlocked
The attachment is linked to all steps. Also, the attachment is unlocked.
Force addition of Reason
If this check box is selected, This forces the user to specify a reason when we Manually Complete or Cancel a BP.
Workflow handle only Locked Object
If this check box is selected, the workflow does not allow check-in or check-out operations to objects within a Business Process that are not locked to this Business Process.
Allow Check-In and Check-Out Steps with No Valid Objects Attached
If this check box is selected, the progress to the next steps without failing the BP when no object is attached for Check-in and Check-Out steps.
Conditional Workflow
If this check box is selected, user can define conditions for a Selected a Workflow Template.
Note: This field is enabled only if, the Conditional Workflow check box is selected in the Implemented PLM Software Components (pdadm0110m000) session.
Notify Originator when Business Process is
If this check box is selected, the Originator of the Business Process receives a E-Mail notification when the business process is completed.
If this check box is selected, the Originator of the Business Process receives a E-Mail notification when the Business Process is suspended.
If this check box is selected, the Originator of the Business Process receives a E-Mail notification when the Business Process is cancelled.
If this check box is selected, the Originator of the Business Process receives a E-Mail notification when the Business Process is resumed.
If this check box is selected, the Originator of the Business Process receives a E-Mail notification when the Business Process is rejected.
Email Address From
The from Address displayed in the Email when the Email Notifications sent from Workflow or Business Process.
Repeat Email Reminder for Task until it is done
If this check box is selected, Email Notifications is sent to the Assigned User until the Task is Completed.
Frequency of Reminder
The Frequency of Reminder to send Email Notifications until the Task is Completed in Number of Days or Hours.
Repeat Email Reminder for Task - Time Unit

The time unit for the Reminder.

Allowed values

System Parameters
Shared Project
The objects created in the shared project can be linked to other objects created in Different Projects.
Authorize Items to All Projects
If this check box is selected, you have permission to authorize Items to all the PLM projects.
Authorize Documents to All Projects
If this check box is selected, you have permission to authorize Documents to all the PLM projects.
Authorize Folders to All Projects
If this check box is selected, you have permission to authorize Folders to all the PLM projects.
Ignore Missing numbers during Mask generation
If this check box is selected, the application generates the next key after the maximum number available in the table ignoring the missing numbers.
Check Out Major
If this check box is selected, major checkout operation can be performed.
Use Mask Exit Point
If this check box is selected, customers can intercept the standard mask generation logic and use their own custom logic for generating the key values.
Linked Projects
Allow cross-project authorization for logical links
If this check box is selected, you can link an object from a specific project to the object of different project. This is set by PLM administrator.
Allow cross-project authorization for hierarchical links
If this check box is selected, you can link child objects of specific Project which are different than project of parent object. This is set by PLM administrator.
PLM Export and Import
Skip Metadata in Export
If this check box is selected, you can skip the meta data file when exporting a file.
PLM Export Path
The Path for the Export Package file to be Copied or Exported.
PLM Import Path
The Path for the Import Package file to be selected when Importing a file.
Revision Control
Allow Check-Out Latest Created Only
If this check box is selected, the applications allow the check-out of recently created files.
Enable read write lock for Check-In/Check-Out
If this check box is selected, the application enables read write lock for check- in or check-out.
Cross Project Authorization for Check-In/Check-Out Operations
If this check box is selected, you can Check-In and Check -Out objects across all the PLM objects.
Mark documents for text search indexing on Check-In
If this check box is selected, indexing of document related files can perform check-in operation for text search.
Disable automatic Check-In of child documents
If this check box is cleared, the application allow the automatic Check-In of documents.
Action on multiple revisions selected

The objects associated with project configuration are automatically selected.

Allowed values

Raise error
Pick the first from the list
Note: The revision control processes only one revision of the object at a given time. Hence the application allows only one revision at a time.
Check-Out action (for Documents) Remove links to non-effective Items
If this check box is selected, the application removes the item from new revision of the document when the old revision of an item is checked-out.
Display report on Revision Control Operations
If this check box is selected, the application displays the report for vault operations with details of all the objects that are:
  • picked
  • skipped and contains errors
  • warnings with reasons
Delete Ineffective Links (On Check-In)
If this check box is selected, the application delete links which are not effective when a check-in operation is performed.
Log Staging Times
If this check box is selected, application generates logging of staging times in Revision Control Staging Log Timings (pdcom0515m000) session for vault operations performed.
Allow Undo Operations for objects with missing revision history
If this check box is selected, the application allows undo operation for the missing revision when an Object Revision history is missing for a particular revision.
Selective Check-Out Levels
The number of levels to be displayed in the Selective Check Out Session. When you check out an item, you may require subset of its linked objects to be checked out with it.
Base Versioning
Manage Files using Base Versioning
If this check box is selected, files are not duplicated and moved to the vaults when performing check in and check out operations.
Manage thumbnails using Base Versioning
If this check box is selected, thumbnail image files are not duplicated in the disk when performing a check out operation.
Default Templates
The default template for the Items when creating an object.
The default template for the BOM when creating an object.
The default template for documents when creating an object.
The default templates for folders.
The default templates for files when creating an object.
Business Process
The default templates for Business Process when creating a Business Process.
The default template for requirements when creating a requirement object.