GST Register 360 (lpind5630m100)

Use session to view the tax transaction details of all the sales and purchase transactions based on the specified filter conditions.
Note: When you access this session, the count for each filter is displayed as 0. You must use the Refresh Total option to view the updated counts.

Field Information

Tax Period

The tax year and period for which the purchase and sales data must be filtered.

Own Identification Number

The own identification number for which the purchase and sales data must be filtered.

Business Partner

Business partner for which the purchase and sales data must be filtered.

Business Partner Identification Number

The Identification Number (BP) for which the purchase and sales data must be filtered.


If this check box is selected, all transactions with VAT Type set to Sales must be considered and displayed to the user.


Click B2B to activate this filter. LN selects the corresponding check box when you apply this filter. All transactions with VAT Type set to Sales and these transaction identifiers are displayed:

  • B2b
  • at_b2b
  • cdnr
  • txpd_b2b
  • nil_b2b
  • nongst_b2b
  • exempt_b2b
Note: The count of B2B sales transactions are displayed. This field is disabled if the Sales check box is selected.

Click B2C to activate this filter. LN selects the corresponding check box when you apply this filter. All transactions with VAT Type set to Sales and these transaction identifiers are displayed:

  • B2c
  • at_b2c
  • cdnur
  • txpd_b2c
  • nil_b2c
  • nongst_b2c
  • exempt_b2c
Note: The count of B2C sales transactions are displayed. This field is disabled if the Sales check box is selected.

Click SEZ to activate this filter. LN selects the corresponding check box when you apply this filter. All transactions with VAT Type set to Sales and these transaction identifiers are displayed:

  • sezwop
  • sezwp
Note: The count of SEZ sales transactions are displayed. This field is disabled if the Sales check box is selected.

Click Export to activate this filter. LN selects the corresponding check box when you apply this filter. These transaction identifiers are displayed:

  • expwop
  • expwp
Note: The count of export sales transactions are displayed. This field is disabled if the Sales check box is selected.
Deemed Export

Click Deemed Export to activate this filter. LN selects the corresponding check box when you apply this filter. These transaction identifiers are considered:

  • dexp
Note: The count of sales deemed export transactions are displayed. This field is disabled if the Sales check box is selected.

If this check box is selected, all transactions with VAT Type set to Purchase must be considered and displayed to the user.


Click B2B to activate this filter. LN selects the corresponding check box when you apply this filter. All transactions with Tax origin set to Purchase and these transaction identifiers are considered:

  • B2b
  • at_b2b
  • cdnr
  • txpd_b2b
  • nil_b2b
  • nongst_b2b
  • exempt_b2b
Note: The count of B2B purchase transactions are displayed. This field is disabled if the Purchase check box is selected.

Click B2C to activate this filter. LN selects the corresponding check box when you apply this filter. All transactions with Tax origin set to Purchase and these transaction identifiers are considered:

  • B2c
  • at_b2c
  • cdnur
  • txpd_b2c
  • nil_b2c
  • nongst_b2c
  • exempt_b2c
Note: The count of B2C purchase transactions are displayed. This field is disabled if the Purchase check box is selected.
Import (SEZ)

Click Import (SEZ) to activate this filter. LN selects the corresponding check box when you apply this filter. These transaction identifiers are considered:

  • sezwop
  • sezwp
Note: The count of import SEZ transactions are displayed. This field is disabled if the Purchase check box is selected.
Import (Goods)

Click Import (Goods) to activate this filter. LN selects the corresponding check box when you apply this filter. These transaction identifiers are considered:

  • impg
Note: The count of import of goods transactions are displayed. This field is disabled if the Purchase check box is selected.
Import (Services)

Click Import (Services) to activate this filter. LN selects the corresponding check box when you apply this filter. These transaction identifiers are considered:

  • imps
Note: The count of import of service transactions are displayed. This field is disabled if the Purchase check box is selected.
Reverse Charge

Click Reverse Charge to activate this filter. LN selects the corresponding check box when you apply this filter. These transaction identifiers are considered:

  • revchg_b2b
  • revchg_b2c
Note: The count of reverse charge transactions are displayed. This field is disabled if the Purchase check box is selected.
Total Invoice Amount

The total invoice amount applicable for the sales transaction.


The local currency in which the invoice amount for the sales transaction is expressed.

Total GST Amount

The total GST amount applicable for the sales transaction.

Total IGST Amount

The total IGST amount applicable for the sales transaction.

Total CGST

The total CGST amount applicable for the sales transaction.

Total SGST

The total SGST amount applicable for the sales transaction.


The total UTGST amount applicable for the sales transaction.

Total Cess tax

The total cess tax amount applicable for the sales transaction.

Total Invoice Amount

The total invoice amount applicable for the purchase transaction.

Total GST Amount

The total GST amount applicable for the purchase transaction.

Total IGST Amount

The total IGST amount applicable for the purchase transaction.

Total CGST Amount

The total CGST amount applicable for the purchase transaction.

Total SGST Amount

The total SGST amount applicable for the purchase transaction.

Total SGST Amount

The total UTGST amount applicable for the purchase transaction.

Total Cess tax

The total cess tax amount applicable for the purchase transaction.