Mexican Electronic Accounting Data Extraction (lpmex0400m000)

Use this session to create the CSV files and query.xml files used for tax reporting in Mexico.

In Mexico, a taxpayers must submit La Contabilidad Electrónica (electronic accounting) through the Tax Mailbox portal provided by the Mexican Fiscal Authority. For this purpose LN is integrated with eAccounting (LEA). The eAccounting can be used to create the (final) SAT files to be sent. LN generates the different files in csv format, which must be placed outside of the ERP system. LN also generates the query mapping XML file (querys.xml), which provides the link between the file/fields in the ERP database (in the csv file) and the eAccounting database. The CSV file is generated for the following:

  • Chart of Accounts
  • Trial Balance
  • Journals

Field Information

Chart of Accounts

If this check box is selected, LnChartOfAccounts.csv file is generated.

Trial Balance

If this check box is selected, LnTrialBalance.csv file is generated.

GL Journal Transactions

If this check box is selected, LnJournalTransactions.csv file is generated.

Financial Company

The code of the financial company.


The description or name of the code.

Fiscal Period

The code of the fiscal Year.

Fiscal Period

The code of the period.

Note: This field is disabled if only Chart of Accounts check box is selected.
Account Type

The account type for which the data must be extracted.

Accounting Scheme

The code of the accounting scheme.

Allowed values


A ledger account used for official accounting purposes according to legal requirements.


A ledger account that you can use for the amounts that are complementary to the amounts in the statutory accounts. For example, you can link a statutory account and a complementary account to a parent account. If you print the Management report based on the parent accounts, on the report ERP LN adds the amounts in the complementary account to the amount in the statutory accounts.

Ledger Account

The From and To fields define a range of: ledger accounts.

Statutory Sublevel

The From and To fields define a range of: sublevels.

Complementary Sublevel

The From and To fields define a range of: complementary sublevels.


The From and To fields define a range of: transaction types.

Note: This field is disabled if the Chart of Accounts or Trial Balance check box is selected.

Document Number

The document number of the transaction type.

Note: This field is disabled if the Chart of Accounts or Trial Balance check box is selected.
Home Currency

The code of the home currency.

Note: This field is disabled if only Chart of Accounts check box is selected.

The character to be used as column separator in the output file.

Export Location

The location where the files are exported and saved.

Allowed values

Local System
Not Applicable
Export Directory

The directory where the files are exported and saved.