Export Promotion Claim (lpind3615m000)

Use session to view and maintain the details of an export promotion claim.
Note: LN allows you to delete the export promotion claim only if the Status is to Open.

The lines on the tabs refer to these sessions:

  • Promotion Claim Lines

    Refers to the Promotion Claim Lines (lpind3116m000) session. On this tab you can view and create the promotion claim lines of the promotion claim.

Field Information

Claim ID

The identification number of the promotion claim.

Accounting Department

The code of the accounting department that approves the export promotion claim.

Customs Office

The code of the customs office associated with the export promotion claim.


The status of the promotion claim.

Allowed values

Total Claimable Amount

The total aggregate amount of the promotion claim that can be claimed, expressed in transaction currency.


The code of the currency in which the total claim amount is expressed.

Scheme ID

The ID of the export promotion scheme. The ID is based on the number group and series defined in the First Free Numbers (tcmcs0150m000) session.

Export Promotion Scheme

The code of the export promotion scheme associated with the export promotion claim.


The code of the country in which the export promotion scheme is applicable.

Effective Date

The date and time from when the export promotion scheme is valid.

Expiry Date

The date and time up to which the export promotion scheme remains valid.


The reference by which the export promotion scheme can be identified. This reference is printed on various order documents and lists.

Creation Date

The date and time when the export promotion claim is created.

Approval Date

The date and time when the export promotion claim is approved.

Date Sent

The date and time when the export promotion claim is sent for approval.

Last Modified Date

The date and time when the export promotion claim is last modified.

Last Modified By

The code of the user who last modified the promotion claim data.


The text related to the export promotion claim.