The use of addresses in Freight Management
The addresses maintained in Freight originate from Common. You can add specific freight related data to each address, including:
- Areas
- Shipment procedures
- Lead times, including load and unload date/time tolerances
- Distances between addresses, which you can define in the
following sessions:
- Distance Table by City (tccom4137s000)
- Distance Table by ZIP Code/Postal Code (tccom4138s000)
The addresses maintained in Freight are used for the following purposes:
- To indicate the ship-to or ship-from address on freight orders.
- To provide, by means of the specific Freight data, some information about the ship-to or ship-from address on freight orders, such as lead times.
- To group freight orders as a preparatory step for transportation planning and/or freight order clustering.
- Transportation planning
- Transport costing
LN uses the address lead times and the distances between the addresses for transport planning and transport costing.