Standard Route (fmlbd0650m000)

Use this session to view and maintain standard routes.

Field Information

Standard Route

standard routes

Route Details
Transport Category

The Transport category of the standard route.

Note: Not Applicable means that the standard route is not limited to one particular Transport Category.
Transport by Sea
Transport by Sea (Container)
Transport by Rail
Transport by Rail (Container)
Transport by Road
Transport by Road (Container)
Transport by Air
Transport by Air (Charter)
Consignments by Post
Fixed Transport Installations
Transport by Inland Waterway
Express Air
Express Truck
Express Rail
Own Propulsion
Not Applicable

The carrier that carries out transportation along the addresses of the current standard route.

Transport Means Group

A transport means group associated with the current standard route. Vehicles belonging to the selected transport means group can travel the current standard route. In addition, carriers that have this transport means group can travel the current standard route.

Transport Means Combination

A transport means combination associated with the current standard route. Vehicles belonging to the selected transport means combination can travel the current standard route. In addition, carriers that have this transport means combination can travel the current standard route.


A route associated with the current standard routes. Routes are used in other LN pakcages.


If this check box is selected, a text referring to the current standard route is available.

Assign Dates and Times
Start Date

The date and time as from which the standard route is traveled. This is the first date and time of the period defined in the Dates and Times by Standard Route (fmlbd0155m000) session.

Execution Frequency

The frequency with which the service is run. The number that you enter in the Update Actual Load Data field is the period, expressed in days, in which the service is run once. For example, enter five if the carrier travels the standard route once in five days, enter one if the service is run once every day. The execution frequency that you define in this field applies to the date and time range that you define in the Dates and Times by Standard Route (fmlbd0155m000) session. If you define a frequency of once in five days, and you enter a date and time range from January 10th to July 10th, the service is run once in five days between January 10th and July 10th.