Changes (dmchm0111m000)

Use this session to create a change header. Open the details of the selected change to access more information.

Field Information


A change header ID represents the actual change. If you create a change, the change ID is automatically generated, based on the mask definition. If no mask is defined, you can enter the alphanumeric value manually.


The description or name of the code.

Description of Problem

Enter the description of the problem for a new or existing change.

No Change Consequence

The text describes the consequences if the change is not processed. A multiline text field is also included for elaborate explanations.


The owner indicates the role, for example, Designer, Engineer, Administrator, or Programmer, who has ownership for the change.

Select a role from the Roles (tcppl0160m000) session. The user can select an already defined role, or can create a new role.


The change priority ID, based on which the processing can be prioritized. Use the browse arrow to select a change priority code in the Change Priority (dmchm0103m000) session and click OK. A priority code, for example, Medium, High, or Urgent, helps in processing the change.


Enter the change classification code, which is used to group and track various change classification codes. Use the Change Classification (dmchm0105m000) session to select or create a new change classification code.


Displays a field that shows the currency code for the cost of the change. The currency is a display field. This currency is defined as local currency in the Companies (tcemm070) table.

This currency is used for all calculations in the Change Management module, for Example, to calculate the cost to perform tasks.

Simple CHM

If this check box is selected, the Simple CHM option is enabled. Simple CHM is a mechanism that involves simple change management principles. The authorized user can perform the actions, such as approve, reject, and so on, without starting the Change Proposal session.

Direct Approval

If this check box is selected, the Direct Approval mechanism to review the change is enabled. No reviewers are available for this option and no change committee is required. The Change Committee field and the Fixed Reviewers Mechanism field are unavailable.

If a change is approved directly, the number of steps involved to review the change decreases.


The field is available if the Direct Approval check box is cleared, in other words, the change undergoes the standard process . Use the zoom option to select the change committee from the Change Committee (dmcom0127m000) session.

Committee Description

The description or name of the code.

Fixed Reviewers Sequence

If this check box is selected, the change review takes place, according to a particular sequence defined in the Reviewers - Change Specific (dmchm0522m001) session.

If the change committee does not have a value, the check box is unavailable.

Change Status

The present status of the change. The status Freeze and Canceled are directly accomplished. The status Under Review, Approved, and Completed, depend on the change proposal status.

You can carry out the Freeze and Cancel actions in the Changes (dmchm0111m000) session, or from the Change Proposals (dmchm0120m000) session.

After an action is performed successfully, the change proposal status is duly changed, which updates the status of the respective change.

No action can be performed on a change with the status Freeze, except unfreezing the change. You cannot modify a cancelled change.

Status Date

The date when the status is modified. The status can be modified from Created to Frozen, or Created to Canceled, and so on.

If you modify the status of the proposal, the date is updated.

Note: The date is not updated if the fields other than the Status, are modified.

The field enables you to display the user-defined status.

You must define the secondary status in the Object Statuses by Object (dmsys0520m000) session. Click the browse arrow to select the status from the session.

Approved Proposal

The approved proposal of the change. This field is a display field only.

Created By

The logon code of the user who created the change. The user has the authorization to create a new change. This field is a display field only.

Creation Date

The date and time of creation of the change request. The UTC date and time format is used. This field is a display field only.