Sales schedule cumulatives

Cumulatives (CUMs) are the year-to-date totals for quantities shipped, received, and invoiced. You can use cumulatives to track if the sales schedule is ahead or behind schedule compared to the demand.

The following types of sales schedule cumulatives are available:

  • Shipped cumulatives

    The total cumulated quantity that you shipped for a specific sales schedule. You can view the shipped CUMs in the Shipped CUM (tdsls3532m000) session and in the Sales Schedules (tdsls3111m000) session.
  • Received cumulatives

    The total cumulated quantity that your ship-to business partner received for a specific sales schedule. You can view the received CUMs in the Shipped CUM (tdsls3532m000) session, the Sales Schedules (tdsls3111m000) session, and in the FAB/RAW Authorizations (tdsls3134m000) session.
  • Invoiced cumulatives

    The total cumulated quantity that you invoiced for a specific sales schedule. You can view the invoiced CUMs in the Invoiced CUM (tdsls3533m000) session and in the Sales Schedules (tdsls3111m000) session.

If the sales schedule is based on a sales contract with a linked terms and conditions agreement, in the Schedule Terms and Conditions (tctrm1131m000) session:

  • Use the Shipped CUM update field to define when the shipped CUMs are updated in the Shipped CUM (tdsls3532m000) session.
  • Use the Last Shipment ID determination field to define how the last shipment is determined for calculating received cumulatives.

Synchronizing schedule cumulatives

  • Based on cumulative model

    If both customers and suppliers use LN to communicate schedule requirements, shipped cumulatives are updated by you. Cumulative data is synchronized based on an order based or receipt based cumulative model. For more information, refer to Synchronizing CUMs based on cumulative model.
  • Based on external component data

    If an external component communicates schedule requirements to LN, shipped cumulatives can be updated by the external component. In this case, cumulatives are synchronized with the cumulative data received from the external component. For more information, refer to Synchronizing CUMs based on external component data.

Using sales schedule cumulatives

In the sales schedule procedure, cumulatives are used:

  • To keep track of total cumulated quantities.
  • To check and adjust the sales schedules for under-delivery and over-delivery. For more information, refer to Adjusting sales schedules.
  • To monitor whether your business partner's received CUM matches with your shipped CUM. If not, disputes are generated that must be solved. For more information, refer to Reconciling sales schedules.
  • Referenced sales schedules, material releases, pick-up sheets, and delivery contracts are not checked or adjusted for under-delivery or over-delivery.
  • If you synchronize sales schedule cumulatives based on external component data, you can still execute the adjustment functionality. However, this is not logical, because schedule adjustment is probably also handled by the external component.
  • If you synchronize CUMs based on external component data, the sales schedule reconciliation functionality is not applicable.