Subcontracting Planning Model (cprpd3660m000)
Use this session to insert, update or delete Subcontracting Planning Models.
Note: This session can be accessed only if the Configurations by Site field is set to Active or Enterprise Model in Preparation in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
Field Information
- Product
- The code of main item of the subcontracting
planning model.Note: The product must be a generic plan item.
- Production Site
- The code of source site of the subcontracting
planning model.Note: This value is defaulted from the production site associated with the product.
- Revision
- The revision number of the subcontracting planning
model.Note: You must generate a new revision for the given item.
- Status
- The status of the model.Note: This field is defaulted.
Allowed values
- New
- Approved
- Expired
- Subcontractor
- The code of subcontractor.
- Subcontractor Site
- The code of the subcontractor site.
- Subcontractor Cluster
- The subcontractor cluster of the subcontracting planning model.
- Ship-from Business Partner
- The ship-from business partner.
- Control
- BOM Quantity
- The quantity of the subcontracting planning
- The BOM Quantity can only be maintained if the status is New.
- The BOM Quantity is defaulted with 1.0.
- The BOM Quantity is defaulted and cannot be modified.
- Effective Date
- The date and time from when subcontracting
model is valid.Note:
- The effective date can be modified only if the status is New.
- The effective date must be later than the effective date of earlier subcontracting planning models.
- The effective date is defaulted from the current date.
- Expiry Date
- The date and time up to which the
subcontracting planning model is effective.Note:
- The Expiry Date can be modified only if the Status is New.
- The expiry date must not fall before the Effective Date.
- The Expiry Date is filled with the maximum UTC date.
- Created On
- The date and time when subcontracting planning model is created.
- Created By
- The employee who creates the subcontracting planning model.
- Approved On
- The date and time when the subcontracting planning model is approved.
- Approved By
- The employee who approves the subcontracting planning model.
- Expired On
- The date and time when the subcontracting planning model is expired.
- Expired By
- The employee by who sets the subcontracting planning model status to Expired.
- Lead Times
- Transport To
- The time required to transport the subassembly from the sending warehouse to the warehouse at the subcontractor. In the manufacturer's system, the warehouse at the subcontractor is defined as an external warehouse.
- Transport To Unit
- The unit in which Transport To is expressed.
Allowed values
- Hours
- Days
- Transport From
- Lead time of transport of the subassembly from the warehouse at the subcontractor to the receiving warehouse. In the manufacturer's system, the warehouse at the subcontractor is defined as an external warehouse.
- Transport From Unit
- The unit in which Transport From is expressed.
Allowed values
- Hours
- Days
- Lead Time Type
- Specify the type of lead time used for the
subcontracting model. The default is Fixed.Note: This field in the session can be maintained only if the status is New.
Allowed values
- Fixed
- Proportional
- Fixed Supply Time
- The fixed supply lead time.Note: This field in the session can be maintained only if the status is New.
- Supply Time
- The proportional supply lead time.Note: This field in the session can be maintained only if the status is New.
- Resource
- Item Capacity
- The weekly capacity of an item for the subcontractor.