Exception Message Types by Planner (cprao1110m000)

Use this session to define and maintain planner-specific exception message settings that determine:

  • Which types of exception messages are generated for the planner involved.
  • Under which circumstances these exception messages are generated.

Specify the exception message types required for the planner involved, and define the settings for each exception message type.

Per exception message type / planner combination, a minimum standard cost and e exception message horizon are defined that regulate the generation of the exception message.

In the Minimum Standard Cost field, you can specify a minimum standard cost for each exception message.


You can define a general set of exception message types not directed at a specific planner. This set goes into effect if the Planner ID is left empty.

If you want to generate exception messages for a specific planner, you must first define a set of exception message types for this planner.

Field Information

Planner ID

The employee number of the planner whose set of exception message types is shown.


An exception message is directed to a specific planner, if the exception message refers to an item for which an employee code has been entered in the Planner field in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000).

If this field is empty, a general set of exception message types is displayed, which is used for all exception messages that are not directed to a specific planner.

Currency for Minimum Standard Cost

The currency that LN uses to express the minimum standard cost, which you can define in the EP Parameters (cprpd0100m000) session.

If you defined a different currency for the item in the Item - Costing (ticpr0107m000) session, LN converts this currency to the currency for the minimum standard cost.

Exception Message Type

Specify the type of exception message that LN can generate during planning.

Exception message types inform the planner about the current planning process.

Allowed values

Negative Inventory Level

The projected inventory level is lower than zero (0). This implies that part of the (forecast and/or actual) demand will be delivered late.

Inventory < Safety/Plan

The projected inventory level is either lower than the safety stock specified in the Items - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session (order-based planning), or lower than the inventory plan specified in the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session.

Inventory > Maximum

The projected inventory is higher than the maximum inventory specified in the Items - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session.

Actual Demand Late

Part of the actual demand of the item or channel will be delivered late. The cumulative ATP in the master plan is less than zero (0).

Forecast <> Actual Demand

The forecast in not equal to actual demand with the difference between the forecast and actual demand being greater than the tolerance specified in the Exception Messages by Planner (cprao1120m000) session. The actual demand for the item or channel is either higher or lower than the demand forecast.

Inventory > Inventory Plan

The projected inventory in the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session is higher than the inventory plan specified in this same session.

Shop Floor Inventory < 0

The on-hand inventory (in the job shop) is negative, or the projected job shop inventory drops below zero on the date indicated.

No Demand (Master Plan)

The item master plan or channel master plan does not contain any demand for the item involved.

No Demand (Order Planning)

There is no demand at all for the item involved. (This type of exception message is only generated for items that have no master plan).

Order Quantity < Minimum

The order quantity or production plan is lower than the minimum order quantity specified in the Items - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session.

Order Quantity > Maximum

The order quantity is higher than the maximum order quantity specified in the Items - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session.

Order Quantity <> Increment

The order quantity or production plan is not a multiple of the order quantity increment specified in the Items - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session.

Order Quantity <> Fixed/Economic

The order quantity differs from either the fixed order quantity (if the item's order method is fixed order quantity or the economic quantity (if the item's order method is economic order quantity). The parameters involved are defined in the Items - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session.

Item Supplier Error

The order quantity of a (planned or actual) purchase order does not conform to the supplier-specific settings defined in the Item - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session.

Project Error

A project specific error has occurred. The nature of the error is specified in the exception message.

Insufficient Time for Inbound

The order line completion date is greater than the date calculated by offsetting the difference between the sum of the outbound and inbound lead times by warehouse and the tolerance in days specified in the Exception Messages by Planner (cprao1120m000) session.

Insufficient Time for Outbound

The order line completion date is greater than the date calculated by offsetting the difference between the outbound lead time of the warehouse and the tolerance in days specified in the Exception Messages by Planner (cprao1120m000) session.

Transfer Late

The start date of the planned order falls within the time fence, but the order has not been yet been transferred to the execution level.


Part of the order or part of the supply plan can be canceled, because there is no demand for it (for example, because a sales order has been canceled).

Reschedule In

Part of the order must be delivered earlier, so the quantity involved should be rescheduled to the date indicated in the exception message itself.

Reschedule Out

Part of the order can be delivered later (for example, because of postponed customer orders), so the quantity involved can be rescheduled to the date indicated in the exception message itself.

Order within Safety Time

The planned order's delivery date falls within the safety time specified in the Items - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session. (This exception message implies that the extra lead time could not be planned either).

Order in Order Interval

A production order falls within the order interval (specified in the Items - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session) of the previous production order, or a purchase order falls within the order interval of the previous purchase order.

Order in Extra Lead Time

The planned order's delivery date falls within the extra lead time specified in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session. (This type of exception message implies that there is enough room to plan the safety time).

Finish Date > Requirement Date

The planned order's delivery date is later than the requirement date, so that the order will be delivered late.

Overloaded Resource

The utilization of the resource exceeds 100 % (plus the tolerance percentage specified in the Exception Message Types by Planner (cprao1110m000) session).

Workload < Norm

The workload in the job shop is lower than the workload norm specified in the Work Centers - Planning (cprpd2100m000) session (taking into account the workload tolerance specified in this same session).

Workload > Norm

The workload in the job shop is higher than the workload norm specified in the Work Centers - Planning (cprpd2100m000) session (taking into account the workload tolerance specified in this same session).

Resource CTP < Zero

The capacity CTP of the resource is lower than zero. This means that the load on the resource (including newly accepted customer orders) is too high.

Transfer Failed

Transfer of the production orders to manufacturing failed. The reason for failure is specified in the exception message.

Total Supply > Total Requirements

The total supply is higher than the total quantity of material needed.

Fatal Error

A fatal error occurred (for example, a memory error, or a sort failure). The nature of the error is specified in the exception message.

RPT Planning Failure

While trying to generate planned production orders for repetitive items, no default order quantity could be found.

No Supplying Relationship

While trying to generate a planned distribution order, LN could not find any supplying relationships for the item involved.

No Supplying Business Partner

While trying to generate a planned purchase order, LN could not find any suppliers for the item involved.

Specification Error

There is an error in the specification of the item being planned. The nature of the error is specified in the exception message.

Item Error

An item-specific error occurred. The nature of the error is specified in the exception message.

No Items for Plan Unit

A particular plan unit is empty, that is, no plan items have been assigned to it.

No WLC Parameters Defined

No workload parameters have been found for the production plan. You can define workload parameters in the Work Load Control Parameters (cpwlc2101m000) session.

Insufficient Capacity

The production plan is decreased due to insufficient free capacity on one of the resources defined in the bill of critical capacities.

Insufficient Materials

The production plan is decreased due to a lack of one of the components specified in the bill of critical materials for a certain plan item.

Planning Failed

Planning failed because the required quantity could not be planned. The nature of the error is specified in the exception message.

Pegging: No Planned Inventory

No planned inventory has been found for the particular peg.

Pegging: Potential Inventory Shortage

A possible inventory shortage was detected. The nature of the shortage is specified in the exception message.

Pegging: No Projected Material Inventory

A required supply, a sales order or a production-order requirement, still has to come from a planned order. You have not yet transferred the planned order to an actual production order or actual purchase order.

Pegging: Supply is late

The supply is expected after the demand. The current order has a planned delivery date that is later than the moment that the item is required. If you do not shift the supply order to an earlier date, the required item will not be supplied in time.

Pegging: Supply is early

The supply is expected before the item is required. The current order has a planned delivery date that is earlier than the moment that the item is required. The required items must be stored for some time, before the item is used. To resolve this, you can shift this order to a later date.

Note: The exception message does not take into account safety time, extra lead time, Order and order planning exception messages, inbound lead time and outbound lead time.
Pegging: No Planned Material Inventory

The current order requires a material that is not in stock and not supplied by another planned order. In this situation, LN also gives a Pegging: No Planned Inventory exception message.

Pegging: Potential Material Shortage

The current order requires a material that is not in stock and not supplied by another planned order. The Pegging: Supply in the Past exception message is logged at the same time for the item that the current order requires.

If you enter a tolerance in the Tolerance (Days) in the Exception Message Types by Planner (cprao1110m000) session, only exception messages that exceed the tolerance are logged.

Pegging: Material Supply is late

The quantity of material confirmed is late and has not yet been received.

It may not be possible to start some of the planned orders due to lack of certain materials necessary for manufacture.

Pegging: Material Supply is early

The quantity of the material confirmed, has been received earlier than planned.

There will be more material than needed in the warehouse. The excess of material may be used for other than the already planned production orders.

Confirmed Quantity is higher

The quantity of material arriving in the warehouse is higher than the confirmed quantity.

Confirmed Quantity is lower

The quantity of material arriving in the warehouse is lower than the confirmed quantity.

Pegging: Oversupply

The supply quantity in the pegging data exceeds the demand quantity.

Pegging: Oversupply Customer Forecast

The supply quantity in the pegging data exceeds the customer forecast quantity.

Pegging: Item is excluded from Pegging

The item that being planned has been excluded from pegging by the planner.

No Subcontractor

No subcontractor has been found.

Minimum Standard Cost

The minimum standard cost to which the exception message type on this line applies.


If the Minimum Standard Cost field for a exception message type is blank, you can specify a value.

LN only generates the corresponding exception message type, if the Standard Cost of the ordered item lies above the minimum standard cost.

Exception Message Priority

The default priority of the exception message type. You can use this priority, for example, to display the exception messages in order of importance.

Allowed values

Enter a number from one (highest priority) to 100 (lowest priority).


The exception message horizon of the exception message type on this line defined in days.


For some exception message types, the horizon is a fixed value.

These exception message types are not constrained by a horizon:

  • Fatal Error
  • No Supplying Relationship
  • No Supplying Business Partner
  • Item Error
  • No Items for Plan Unit
  • Planning Failed

For pegging exception messages, the horizon must be lower in value than the Pegging Horizon field in the Planning Parameters (cprpd0100m000) session. If the value of this field exceeds that of the Pegging Horizon, fast Pegging: No Planned Inventory and Pegging: No Planned Material Inventory exception messages may be generated.

Tolerance (Prc)

The tolerance expressed in percentages for the exception message type on the line.


If you define a tolerance percentage for a exception message type, LN ignores minor deviations from the norm value when it generates exception messages of this type.

For Workload < Norm and Workload > Norm the tolerance percentage is disabled as well. To define a tolerance for these exception messages use the Workload Tolerance field in the Work Centers - Planning (cprpd2100m000) session.

For the Forecast <> Actual Demand exception message type the demand forecast is the norm value and the tolerance percentage applies in both directions (below and above the demand forecast).

Only following exception message types can have a tolerance percentage:

  • Inventory < Safety/Plan
  • Inventory > Maximum
  • Forecast <> Actual Demand
  • Inventory > Inventory Plan
  • Order Quantity < Minimum
  • Order Quantity > Maximum
  • Overloaded Resource


  • The exception message type is Inventory > Maximum, the maximum inventory is 50, and the tolerance percentage is ten. In this case, a exception message is generated only when the projected inventory is higher than 55.
  • The exception message type is Order Quantity < Minimum, the minimum order quantity is 20, and the tolerance percentage is 15. In this case, a exception message is generated only when the order quantity is lower than 17.

Tolerance (Days)

The tolerance in days applies to exception messages that involve a comparison of dates, and that indicate that a certain date is earlier or later than a certain norm date.


The tolerance in days is expressed in working days. If you define a tolerance in days for a exception message type, LN will ignore minor deviations from the norm date when it generates exception messages of this type.

The tolerance in days applies to the following exception message types:

  • Transfer Late
  • Reschedule In
  • Reschedule Out
  • Order within Safety Time
  • Order in Order Interval
  • Order in Extra Lead Time
  • Finish Date > Requirement Date

For the Transfer Late exception message type, the tolerance in days is actually used as a special kind of time fence, to indicate when the order should be transferred.

For all other exception message types, the tolerance in days is disabled.


  • The exception message type is Finish Date > Requirement Date, the requirement date is Monday, April 10, and the tolerance in days is two. In this case, a exception message is generated only when the order's end date is later than April 12.
  • The exception message type is Reschedule Out, the requirement date is Friday, August 25, and the tolerance in days is three. In this case, a exception message is generated only when the order's end date is earlier than August 22.

Maximum No.

The maximum number of exception messages of this type that LN generates for a specific item/planner combination.


If you set the maximum number of a specific exception message type to ten, only the first ten exception messages of this type are stored for one item ( for a specific planner).

The generation of exception messages of following types is not constrained by the maximum number. The exception message types involved are:

  • Fatal Error
  • No Supplying Relationship
  • No Supplying Business Partner
  • Item Error
  • No Items for Plan Unit
  • Planning Failed

If this check box is selected, no exception messages of the type specified are generated.

Auto Process

If this check box is selected, LN can process the corresponding exception message automatically in the Process Exception Messages (cprao1220m000) session.


You can only select this check box for the following exception message types:

  • Cancel
  • Reschedule In
  • Reschedule Out

LN only generates the exception message types mentioned above when you carry out order-based planning.

If the Auto Process check box in the Exception Messages (cprao1125m000) is selected, you can view the generated cancellation and rescheduling exception messages there after the order-based planning is completed.