User Actions on Invoices (cisli9197m000)

Use this session to view the data related to actions performed by the user. The data is created in this session as and when user performs an action for which logging is required.

You can access this session using User Actions on Invoices option from the appropriate menu in Invoices (cisli3105m000) session or Invoicing 360 (cisli3600m000) session.

When an invoice is archived or deleted, the corresponding data must be deleted or archived from this session also.

Field Information

Financial Company

The code of the financial company.

Transaction Type

The code of the transaction type.

Invoice Number

The invoice number.

Action on Invoice

The action performed by the user for which the data is created.

Allowed values

Changes after Invoice Creation

Track the user data if the invoice data is changed by a user, on the invoice header, after printing.

Note: This does not include posting related changes such as Status.

Not Applicable

Track the user data when an invoice is reprinted.

Credit and Rebill

Track the user data when a credit and rebill is initiated for an invoice

Credit Invoice Lines

Track the user data when a user initiates a credit billable line creation from an invoice line.


The sequence number. The numbering starts with 1 and incremented to make the record unique.


The date and time on which the action is performed.


The login ID of the user who performed the action.

Reason for Action

User entered text explaining the reason for performing the action.