Delete/Archive Revenue Document Line History (cirrc1260m000)

Use this session to delete, archive or to archive and delete the revenue document line history.

Field Information

Document Business Object Company

The From and To fields define a range of: the business object document specified for the financial companies for which the revenue document revenue line history are deleted and/or archived.

Document Business Object Name

The From and To fields define a range of: names of the business object document, for which the revenue document revenue line history are deleted and/or archived.

Document Business Object ID

The From and To fields define a range of: the business object ID for which the revenue document revenue line history are deleted and/or archived.

Financial Company

The From and To fields define a range of: the financial companies for which the revenue document revenue line history are deleted and/or archived.

Up to Date

The date and time up to which the revenue document revenue line history must be deleted and/or archived.

Delete or Archive

Use this field to choose whether to archive only, delete only, or to archive and delete.

Allowed values

Delete Only

Deletes the selected data.

Archive Only

Copies the selected data to an archive company.

Archive and Delete

Copies the selected data to an archive company and deletes from the original company.

Keep Last Transaction

If this check box is selected, the most recent transaction from the selected range of transactions is not deleted and/or archived.

Archive Common Master Data

If this check box is selected, common master data ( general data) is archived.

Archive Invoicing Master Data

If this check box is selected, general data related to invoicing is archived.

Archive Text

If this check box is selected, LN also archives texts.

Overwrite Texts

If this check box is selected, LN also archives overwritten texts.

Original Company

The company number for which the general data is archived.

Original Company

The description or name of the code.

Archive-to Company

The code of the archive company to which the revenue document line history is archived.

Archive-to Company

The description or name of the code.

Deleted/Archived Revenue Document Lines

If this check box is selected, a printed report is generated for the deleted and/or archived revenue document line history.


If this check box is selected, a report is printed showing the errors that occurred during the process.