Process Time Off Requests (bpxtm4230m000)

Use this session to process the specified range of time off requests.

Note: This session can be accessed only if the Use Attendance Time Off Requests check box is selected in the Attendance Parameters (bpxtm0100m000) session.

Field Information


The action that must be performed on the time off requests.

Allowed values

  • Infor LN allows the users to perform the actions Approve and Reject for whom the authorization is defined in the Attendance Approval Authorizations (bpxtm0190m000) session. This is applicable only if the Use Attendance Time Off Requests check box is selected in the Attendance Parameters (bpxtm0100m000) session.
  • Infor LN allows the users to perform the actions Submit and Cancel for the own employee or when the user is registered in the Registration Authorizations (bpmdm0110m000) session. This is applicable only if the Use Registration Authorization check box is selected in the People Parameters (bpmdm0100m000) session.
If this check box is selected, the submitted time off requests are canceled.
Note: This field is enabled only if the Action field is set to Cancel.
If this check box is selected, the approved time off requests are canceled.
Note: This field is enabled only if the Action field is set to Cancel.
Selection Range
The From and To fields define a range of: employees whose time off requests must be processed.
The From and To fields define a range of: dates on which the time off requests must be processed.