BOD Alerter (bobod1200m200)

Use this session to compare the earliest time stamp of the stored Business Object Documents (BODs) to the current time.

If the age of the earliest BOD falls within the Threshold range, an email alert is sent to a configurable list of email addresses.

Note: You can run this session only as a job.

Field Information


The company from which BODs are retrieved.

Company Range

The range of companies from which BODs are retrieved.


The threshold range for the age of the earliest BOD.

If the age of the earliest BOD falls within this Threshold range, an email alert is sent to a configurable list of email addresses.


If zero is specified in the Threshold To field, this field can be interpreted as unlimited.

If the earliest BOD is older than the value specified in the Threshold To field, no email alerts will be sent anymore. This is to prevent the generation of bulk email messages, if, for example, anything goes wrong during the night that cannot be solved immediately.


The unit in which the threshold range is expressed.

Email From

The email address from which the alert is sent.

System Administrator's Guide for eMessage (U8307 US)

Email To

The email address(es) to which the alert is sent.

Note: Email addresses are separated by a semicolon.

System Administrator's Guide for eMessage (U8307 US)