Generate List of Target Tables to be Loaded (bcgct8289m000)
Use this session to generate a list of target tables to be loaded.
Before you can use this session,
- Runtime Data Dictionary
For the specified selection range ( Package, module and table) the target tables list to be loaded is generated from the target data dictionary.
- Error Tables in Previous Run
For the specified selection range (Package, module and table) it picks up all the tables which were not properly migrated in the previous run.
Note:This option should be selected if there were any errors in the previous conversion run, otherwise it displays a message no data within selection.
If there are any errors then user should first execute session Generate Error Report (bccnv5200m000) before selecting this option.
- Conversion DLLs generated by SCA
For the specified selection range (Package, module and table) it generates the target tables list to be loaded from source conversion DLLs generated by SCA.