Configuring the teller system
To configure the teller system:
- Use the Tellers System Entry (lptur1520m001) session to select the
teller ID and date for transaction posting. Teller must be opened before transaction entry
by using Open Teller function, for the date
specified in the session. Cash transaction entry is the session that the teller uses to
enter daily transactions. On top of the session, teller ID and date for transaction is
displayed. All transactions specified for the date by the teller is displayed in the session
in a list along with the status. There are three transaction statuses for each transaction
in the Cash Management module:
- In Process: This stage is named 'premature', where, all kinds of return is possible, a transaction can be changed or deleted.
- Approved: The second stage is named 'approval', when the transaction is approved, the receipt is printed and there is no return, an approved transaction cannot be changed or deleted.
- Transferred: The last stage is named transfer'', approved transactions are transferred to the finance module. On the specific menu, click New, the Voucher Header (lptur1520m001) session is displayed.
- Use the Voucher Header (lptur1520m001) session to define the voucher
header data. In this session, you can define this data:
- Transaction Type: The transaction type of the posted transaction Company. This shows the transaction belongs to which company Voucher Number. Document number of a created transaction
- Debit Entity Type: The entity type of the debit transaction
- Credit Entity Type: The entity type of the credit transaction
- Value Date: The value date for the transaction. The value date is populated when specifying the transaction as posting date. After posting check transactions without touching the value date, the system calculates and posts the value date automatically.
- Credit Amount: The amount for the transaction. When posting check and bills this area can be empty. When posting transactions in detail, amounts of the check and bills populated in the main posting area.
- Currency: Currency type for the transaction
- Rate: The rate for the transaction. If the currency is not TRL, the exchange currency rate can be seen here.
- Reference: The description for the transaction is entered in this session.
- VAT Code: The VAT code information is entered for some kind of transactions (such as return dishonored check to customer that creates Sales Credit Note transaction.
- Debit/Credit dimension: For the financial transaction which will be transferred to finance debit and credit dimension information can be entered in the system. In addition, while posting transactions, by using specific on the menu, the below functions can be used.
- Approve: It is the second stage after completing and checking the transactions.
- Details: If you select a transaction on voucher header and choose transaction details, line by line details come to screen. There are no details in cash transactions. You can use it for check transactions. Below is the scheme for check type of transactions in teller system.
- Check Entry: Voucher transaction that is defined for Check entry is selected. Check entry transaction category is Cash. Debit Type is KK and Credit type is CS. For check details function session must be selected. When details option is selected in the session.
- Use the Voucher Details (lptur1122m000) session to define the voucher details. Check is entered here without status as Transaction type N07, before entry to teller system as defined in N07 transaction type definition in lptur1515m000 session. When clicking on save button on this session, an alert message comes up asking if user wants to update voucher header. After save record, choose DETAIL for enter details (if needed).
- Use the Tellers KK (lptur1110m000) session to define tellers. Tellers
are matched with a user login in the system. In this session you can define these data:
- Teller ID: 4 digit Teller ID’s are defined here Teller Name: Name/Surname of the Teller User: Username for Infor ERP LN.
- Status: Status of the cashier that is Open or Closed
- Date: Displays the status date of the cashier
- Default Device Data: Default printer set-up area. By using specific on the menu, transaction types, teller authorizations, teller balances and closing balances can be viewed. Also by using specific, teller day-end closing and opening can be performed. The Open Teller, Close Teller options are available in the Action Menu of this session.
- Use the Teller Authorization (lptur1111m000) session to define the transaction authorization for selected teller.
- Use the Teller Balance (lptur1113m000) session to define the teller balances data. Teller Balances can be defined in initial setup of teller module for each teller. Also, the balance of check, cash and note totals can be updated by using this session. As a result of transactions done by a Teller such as Cash, Check and so on. arguments can be seen by each currency used. Every approved transaction is updated to the teller balances.
- Use the Closing Balances (lptur1113m000-lptur1514m000) session to search the closing teller balances.
- Use the Open Teller (lptur1111m001) session to open the balances for
a teller. You can use these options in this session:
- Opening Teller’s Cashier: By using Action Menu on Tellers KK opening a Teller’s Cashier can be processed which Teller is already closed.
- Date: Requested opening date of a teller’s cashier. This opening date cannot be beyond today and cannot be before the last closing date. Each teller is authorized to open his/her cashier.
- Use the Close Teller (lptur1113m000) session to close the balances
for a teller. In this session, you can specify these data:
- Closing a Teller’s Cashier: By using Action Menu on Tellers KK closing a Teller’s Cashier can be processed which Teller is already open.
- Closing: In this session, closing of a Teller’s Cashier can be processed. The system shows check and cash balances in the session while closing a cashier. Teller checks his/her vault to see if the balances are equal. If this is the case, cashier approves the closing. Each teller is authorized to close his/her cashier. After Process ” Close Teller”, Status will updated as Closed.
- Use the Check Entry Voucher Header (lptur1120m000) session to define the check entry details for the voucher header.
- Use the Add / Choose Arguments (lptur1121m004) session to add or choose arguments for the teller. While adding argument, owner of the check, portfolio number, debtor, due date, amount, bank and bank branch and the unique check information for the selected bank branch is entered. After entering the argument by clicking on the save button, sends user to Voucher Lines session. The Argument Status is set to Unknown in Portfolio which means the check does not have any status before entry to teller system as defined in N07 transaction type rules definition in the Transaction Rules (lptur1515m000) session. When clicking on save button on this session, an alert message is displayed and prompts the user to update voucher header. If replace is selected for the voucher header amount and average due date is updated in the session, the application goes back to Voucher header session. When user selects approve command, both the application approves the voucher header and transfers the transaction to finance.
- Use the Cashier Authorization (lptur1131m000) session to view or edit the user authorization rights for the teller.