Defining Master Data – Reports

To define the master data for reports:

  • Use the Givenout Checks (lptur1121m003) session to manage the given-out checks to the supplier. To manage risk of the check payment that is endorsed to the suppliers. It is possible to track the given out checks and update the check status to cashed when the check payment information is received from the supplier. Otherwise, if check is not paid, it is possible to be returned as dishonored check from the company's supplier back to the company. The argument type, argument number and due date interval can be selected in the application for argument selection. This display the cashed information and also lists the cashed checks with the given out checks. You can also update the due date and the argument status.
  • Use the Financial New Transactions (lptur1525m000) session to display the documents transferred to the Finance module, with the batch and document number. This enables to view the errors and the reasons of non-integration. After finding the reason of non-integration and correcting them, the documents can be transferred to the Finance module. If the status of the transaction in this session is Error, it is possible to update voucher detail information such as debit ledger account, credit ledger account, debit dimension, credit dimension and VAT code. Transferring to finance can be handled by selecting 'Integration to Finance' option on specific menu.
  • Use the Print Arguments Due Summary (lptur1421m000) session to print arguments grouped according to due date. The report prints arguments including both Allocated and Free in Portfolio status.
  • Use the Print Checks Given To Bank (lptur1421m000) session to print the arguments which are sent to bank.
  • Use the BlackList (lptur1518m000) session to create the black list when the argument is dishonored. When a new argument is received from the same bank-branch and account, the system warns user that the check holder was in black listed before.
  • Use the Print Argument History (lptur1422m000) session to print the transaction history of each argument in the system. On the session, argument number, check number, location and due date interval, amount interval can be used for filtering data.
  • Use the Print Portfolio (lptur1422m000) session to print the arguments with selected status and located in the selected entity. The due date interval, debtor interval, bank interval, currency, entity interval is used in filtering data in the session.
  • Use the Print Voucher (lptur1420m000) session to print the voucher for the transaction.
  • Use the Voucher Lines (lptur1422m002) session to print the detail information related to voucher including financial batch, document number, voucher lines, transaction date, due date information.
  • Use the Print Voucher Details (lptur1420m001) session to print the detail information related to voucher including financial batch, document number, voucher lines, transaction date, due date information.
  • Use the Print Our Checks (lptur1920m000) session to generate a report for the checks of the company.
  • Use the Due Dates of Collected Checks (lptur1421m004) session to calculate interest for the date difference between the cashing date and the due date and generate a report.