Swiss payment slips
This functionality is specific for Switzerland.
LN supports the processing of payment slips that can be processed by Swiss banks and the bank branches of the Swiss Postal, the 'Postfinance'.
Bank files for payment slipsTo support Swiss payment slips, LN can generate or process the following Swiss bank files:
A receivables file in the format required for Swiss payment slips. VESR stands for Verfahren für Einzahlungsschein mit Referenznummer, or 'compiled payment slip with reference number'. -
Payment report 44 for payments to supplier. A payment file in the format required for Swiss bank files. DTA stands for Daten Traeger Austausch, or 'data carrier exchange'. A DTA file can contain payments in the local currency based on payment slips as well as other types of payments, for example, payments made to suppliers abroad in foreign currencies.
The Swiss banks offer DTA to their customers for all payments to suppliers in Swiss francs and foreign exchanges. The DTA file can be sent electronically or on a data carrier to the bank relation, for example, Telekurs Holding Ltd., for processing.
DTA supports the following types of transactions:
Einzahlungsschein mit Referenznummer (ESR) payments. An is a payment slip that contains a generated payment slip reference line with can be read bwith an optical character reader (OCR). -
Domestic payments in Swiss francs (CHF) made through bank accounts or postal accounts and postal orders -
Payments to financial institutions abroad in CHF and foreign currencies, as well as domestic payments in foreign currencies -
Payments with an international bank account number (IBAN) and International Payment Instructions (IPI) in Switzerland and abroad, in all currencies