Export SAF to E-Declaration (lppol7223m000)
- VAT-7
- VAT-27
The similar description of the functionality for exporting SAF data to tax declarations can be found in the documentation relating to the maintenance of Standard Audit Files.
SAF Parameters (lppol7100m000): In this session, you must specify the appropriate data in the fields that are required to generate the XMLs for e-declaration.
Export SAF to E-Declaration (lppol7223m000): The session Export SAF to E-Declaration (lppol7223m000) is used to generate XML’s that contain data from SAF and that can be uploaded to tax declarations.
After the data ranges are selected in the SAF Export to E-Declaration (lppol7223m000) session, you must launch the generation of the XML with data for the declaration using the Generate option.
The file must be downloaded using standard browser options and then opened from the browser or the folder.