Sales order process (manual)
To process the sales order process for GSP solution manually, execute these steps:
- Select Sales > Orders > Order Intake Workbench. The Sales Orders Intake Workbench (tdsls4601m200) session is displayed.
- Click New. The Sales Order (tdsls4100m900) session is displayed.
Select the business partner in the Business Partner
field and press Tab.
Note: Infor LN populates the data related to the selected business partner.
- Click New on the Order Lines tab to create a sales order line.
- Click Go to Details for the sales order line. The Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session is displayed.
- Review the tax registration data defaulted on the Tax tab. Click Save changes and exit in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session.
- Click Approve to approve the sales order in the Sales Order (tdsls4100m900) session.
- Select the sales order line on the Order Lines tab and click References > Status. The Sales Order Line Status (tdsls4534s000) session is displayed.
- Review the activities and click Execute to execute the order line activities.
- Click the Monitor tab in the Sales Order (tdsls4100m900) session and select References > Inbound/Outbound Status. The Outbound Line Status Overview (whinh2129m000) session is displayed.
- Review the outbound order line activities.
- Click Actions > Freeze/Confirm. The Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session is displayed.
- Select the shipment on the Shipments tab and click Confirm.
- Repeat the steps 8-13 for all the sales order lines, if any.
- Select References > Release > Release to Invoicing in the Sales Order (tdsls4100m900) session to release the sales order to Invoicing. The Release Sales Orders/Schedules to Invoicing (tdsls4247m000) session is displayed.
- Click Release. The Release Sales Orders/Schedules to Invoicing - Log Report is displayed that includes the details of the sales order lines that are released to Invoicing.
- Review and close the report.
- Select References > View > Invoicing 360 in the Sales Order (tdsls4100m900) session. The Invoicing 360 (cisli3600m000) session is displayed.
- Verify that the billable lines of the confirmed shipment lines are displayed on the Billable Lines tab with a Status of Confirmed.
- Select each billable line related to the confirmed shipment line and click Actions > Compose Invoice. The Invoice Status is updated to Ready to Print.
Select the invoice on the Invoices tab
and click Actions > Submit to External System. The Invoice Status is
updated to Submitted to External
Note: You can also submit the invoices to the external system as a batch using the Submit Invoices to External System (cisli2200m300) session.
- Select the invoice on the Invoices tab and click References > E-Invoice Register. The E-Invoices Register (lpind5120m000) session is displayed.
- Navigate to the export path and download the exported files that are generated for each invoice.
- Login to the IRP portal using the designated credentials and upload the exported files to the IRP portal. The Government sends a response file for the approved and rejected invoices.
- Select Actions > Import Response Files in the E-Invoices Register (lpind5120m000) session. The Import Response Files (lpind5220m100) session is displayed.
- Select the Approved Invoices check box for approved invoices. Select the File on Server check box, if the response file is downloaded to the server.
- Click Import and select the location of the file on the local machine and click OK. The Invoice Status is updated to Approved by External System.
- To update the status of the invoice individually, click Go to Details for the invoice line in the E-Invoices Register (lpind5120m000) session. The E-Invoices Register (lpind5120m000) session is displayed.
- Specify the IRN on the Invoice Details tab and the Signed QR Code on the Signed JSON Details tab.
- Select Actions > Set to > Approve. The E-Invoice Status and the Invoice Status is updated to Approved by External System.
- Continue with the normal sales invoicing process of print and post the invoices and close the sales order.
- Select Actions > Import Response Files in the E-Invoices Register (lpind5120m000) session. The Import Response Files (lpind5220m100) session is displayed.
- Select the Rejected Invoices check box for rejected invoices. Select the File on Server check box, if the response file is downloaded to the server.
- Click Import. The Invoice Status is updated to Rejected by External System.