Creating a landed cost invoice

To create a landed cost invoice, execute these steps:

  1. Select Financials > General Ledger > Journal Voucher Entry > Transactions. The Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session is displayed.
  2. Specify the required data in the header section and click New on the Transaction Types tab.
  3. Select API in the Transaction Type field and press Tab.
  4. Click Go to Details for the API transaction line. The Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session is displayed.
  5. Select Invoice Related to Landed Costs is selected in the Invoice Type field.
  6. Select or specify the business partner for landed costs in the Business Partner field and press Tab.
  7. Specify the supplier invoice number in the Supplier Invoice field and click Save.
  8. Specify the landed costs amount in the Amount field of the Amounts section and click Save.
  9. Select Actions > Matching > Match Landed Cost. The Match Landed Cost Lines (tfacp2144m000) session is displayed.
  10. Select the landed cost lines related to the purchase order and click Match Selected Landed Costs.
  11. Click Save changes and exit. The Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session is displayed.
  12. Verify that the matched landed cost lines are displayed on the Matched Lines tab.
  13. Select Actions > Generate Tax Transactions in the invoice header to generate the tax data for the landed cost invoice.
  14. Verify that the Tax Consistent field is updated to Yes and Registration Data Consistent field is updated to Yes on the Matched Lines tab.
  15. Verify that the tax line is created for the landed cost invoice based on the purchase order and is displayed on the Tax Lines tab.
  16. Click Approve to approve the landed cost invoice.
  17. Verify that the Invoice Status is updated to Approved.
  18. Click Save changes and exit in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session.