Upload Correction Invoice

Based on subsection 2 of Section 168 of the VAT Act any document or message that amends and refers specifically and unambiguously to the initial invoice shall be treated as an invoice (including cancellation, invalidation). By VAT Act section 170 all invoices which makes changes to the original invoices are called „Documents in lieu of an Invoice”. Mandatory minimum data of these documents are: date of issue; unique identifier; reference to the original invoice, which is being amended by this document.

In LN when is uploaded correction invoice is mandatory to upload the reference as number of original invoice also. This information will be part of the uploaded XML.

How to mark the fact of correction in LN? Put the correction text to the header text of correction order. One correction invoice can correct only one original invoice.

To indicate this the following correction text formula can be used:

a/ CORR or MOD or JAV or JÓVÁ or MÓD text

b/ charekter:

c/ original invoice number - exactly in the format on the invoice


If was made correction of original invoice KSI/201702055 the reference will be for instance

CORR: KSI/20170055