Configuring the purchase invoice

To configure the purchase invoice:

  1. Select Financials > General Ledger > Journal Voucher Entry.
  2. Access the Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session.
  3. Define a transaction batch and the transaction type for the purchase invoice.
  4. Click the Transaction Types line to access the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfcap2600m000) session.
  5. Specify this information:
    Variable Symbol
    The 10 digit numeric code that represents the reference to the payment information, which is used to match the payment to credit, contract or payer. This value is defaulted with the first ten digits of the Supplier Invoice number, if the Supplier Invoice is specified. However, you can modify this value.
    Invoice Issue Date
    The date when the invoice is created. This date is used to calculate due dates and discounts. Infor LN defaults the current date.
    Tax Date
    The date used for VAT Control statement. By default, the tax date is equal to the invoice date.
  6. Select Financials > Master Data > Account Payable. To meet Czech accounting principles, the different accounts must be used for invoiced receipts according to type of purchase. Purchase of material, goods and services must be distinguished.
  7. Access the Accounts by Financial BP Group (tfacp0110m100) session to define and maintain the ledger accounts and dimensions for a financial business partner group. You can also view the registered invoices per type of purchase in this session. Purchase invoices are posted to Received Invoices account when you specify the purchase invoices that are related to orders in Procurement.