Setting up VAT control parameters
To set up VAT control parameters for VAT check list, select Localization > Czech > Taxation > VAT Control Statement. Execute this process:
- Access the VAT Control Statement - Parameters (lpcze1100m000) session to define the data that must be included in the VAT control statement.
- Access the VAT Control Statement – Line Definitions (lpczk1101m000) session to define the statement positions, contents and data source.
- Access the VAT Code – Deliverables Code Relation (lpczk1102m000) session to define a link between the VAT code, the Commodity Code and the Deliverable Code.
- Access the Aggregation Exemptions by Transaction Type (lpczk1104m000) session to specify the types of transactions that are defaulted to the VAT Control Statement under the new rules.
- Access the Generate Data for VAT Control Statement (lpcze1203m000)session to generate data for the VAT Control Statement. The generated data is defaulted to the VAT Control Statement – Line Definitions session.
- Access the VAT Control Statement Data (lpcze1103m000) session to list all data for a selected period. Users can add and modify the data. The control statement includes the date and time when the data is modified and the user who modifies the data.
- Access the VAT Control Statement - XML generation (lpcze1403m000) session to generate XML file from the existing data. The session allows the users to select a period, version and statement type. Based on the selected statement type, either all data or only added data of the given period is transferred.
- Select Localization > Czech > Taxation.
Access the Export files for INSTATDESK (lpcze1420m000) session to create files for INSTATDESK
application. Select file type that should to be generated. As a result, file is
generated with structure that fit to INSTATDESK application.
Note: Before running this session, user must process Intrastat data using the Process Intrastat Transactions (tccom7271m000) session.