Setting up VAT control parameters

To set up VAT control parameters for VAT check list, select Localization > Czech > Taxation > VAT Control Statement. Execute this process:

  1. Access the VAT Control Statement - Parameters (lpcze1100m000) session to define the data that must be included in the VAT control statement.
  2. Access the VAT Control Statement – Line Definitions (lpczk1101m000) session to define the statement positions, contents and data source.
  3. Access the VAT Code – Deliverables Code Relation (lpczk1102m000) session to define a link between the VAT code, the Commodity Code and the Deliverable Code.
  4. Access the Aggregation Exemptions by Transaction Type (lpczk1104m000) session to specify the types of transactions that are defaulted to the VAT Control Statement under the new rules.
  5. Access the Generate Data for VAT Control Statement (lpcze1203m000)session to generate data for the VAT Control Statement. The generated data is defaulted to the VAT Control Statement – Line Definitions session.
  6. Access the VAT Control Statement Data (lpcze1103m000) session to list all data for a selected period. Users can add and modify the data. The control statement includes the date and time when the data is modified and the user who modifies the data.
  7. Access the VAT Control Statement - XML generation (lpcze1403m000) session to generate XML file from the existing data. The session allows the users to select a period, version and statement type. Based on the selected statement type, either all data or only added data of the given period is transferred.
  8. Select Localization > Czech > Taxation.
  9. Access the Export files for INSTATDESK (lpcze1420m000) session to create files for INSTATDESK application. Select file type that should to be generated. As a result, file is generated with structure that fit to INSTATDESK application.
    Note: Before running this session, user must process Intrastat data using the Process Intrastat Transactions (tccom7271m000) session.