Setting up VAT reporting

To set up VAT Reporting for Croatia, execute these steps:

  1. Create tax positions and link the tax positions to the related tax codes.
    1. Select Common > Taxation > Master Data > Financial Setup > Tax Positions. The Tax Positions (tfgld0120m000) session is displayed.
    2. Click New. The Tax Position (tfgld0620m000) session is displayed.
    3. Specify the required data and create the tax position.
    4. Click New on the Relations by Tax Position tab to link the tax position with the related tax codes.
    5. Click Go to Details for the relation by tax position line. The Relations by Tax Position (tfgld0121m000) session is displayed.
    6. Specify the required data and link the tax position to the related tax code.
    7. Click Save changes and exit. The Tax Position (tfgld0620m000) session is displayed.
    8. Click Save changes and exit. The Tax Positions (tfgld0120m000) session is displayed.
    9. Click Save changes and exit in the Tax Positions (tfgld0120m000) session.
  2. Maintain VAT declaration.
    1. Select Common > Taxation > Master Data > Financial Setup > Tax Declaration Masters. The Tax Declaration Masters (tfgld1620m100) session is displayed.
    2. Click New. The session is displayed.
    3. Specify the required data and maintain the VAT declaration in the header section.
    4. Select the Automatic Transfer and the Fixed Tag Length check boxes in the header section.
      Reported VAT declaration amounts for Croatia should be rounded to the nearest whole number using the normal rounding method.
    5. Verify that the value in the Number of Decimals for Roundingfield is 0.
    6. Click Save changes and exit in the Tax Declaration Master (tfgld1620m000) session. The Tax Declaration Master (tfgld1620m000) session is displayed.
    7. Click Save changes and exit in the Tax Declaration Master (tfgld1620m000) session.
  3. Maintain the XML-layout for submitting VAT declaration to the Croatian Tax Authority portal.
    1. Select Common > Taxation > Master Data > Financial Setup > Tax Declaration Masters. The Tax Declaration Masters (tfgld1620m100) session is displayed.
    2. Click New. The Tax Declaration Master (tfgld1620m000) session is displayed.
    3. Click New on the Tax Positions by Declaration Master tab. The Tax Positions by Tax Declaration Master (tfgld1121m000) session is displayed.
    4. Specify the XML layout data that is required to submit the VAT declaration to the Croatian tax authority portal.
    5. Click Save changes and exit. The Tax Declaration Master (tfgld1620m000) session is displayed.
    6. Click Save changes and exit in the Tax Declaration Master (tfgld1620m000) session.
  4. Define the mapping of tax positions and supplementary VAT report fields.
    1. Select Localization > Croatia > Master Data > Tax Position Mapping in VAT Reporting. The Tax Position Mapping in VAT Reporting (lphrv1501m000) session is displayed.
    2. Click New View.
    3. Specify this information:
      Specify this information:
      Tax Declaration Type
      Collection Office
    4. Click New.
    5. Specify the data required to map the tax positions and supplementary VAT report fields.
    6. Click Save changes and exit in the Tax Position Mapping in VAT Reporting (lphrv1501m000) session.