Receipt of third party shipment fiscal note
To receive a third party shipment fiscal note, execute these steps:
In the Inbound Line Status Overview (whinh2119m000)
session, click Receive.
The Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session is
- Select the receipt line on the Lines > Receipt tab.
- On the specific menu, click Create Brazilian Invoice. This process generates the fiscal receipt document in the Match Receipt Lines to Fiscal Document (btrec1101m000) session.
in the Match Receipt Lines to Fiscal Document
(btrec1101m000) session:
- Select the receipt line on the Receipts tab.
- On the specific menu, click Mark to Link to select the receipt line to link with the fiscal document. The Linked check box is selected and the User field is updated with the login ID of the user.
- Verify that the receipt line is selected and click Actions > Link Receipt Line. The Link Receipt Line to Fiscal Document (btrec1200s100) session is displayed.
The Link Receipt Line to Fiscal Document (btrec1200s100)
- Specify the required data in the Issue Date, Fiscal Document, Series, and the Document Type fields.
- Click Link. The process is completed and the fiscal receipt document is generated with the fiscal reference number.
In the Fiscal Receipt (btrec2100m000) session, click the
Go to Details button for your
fiscal receipt document. The Fiscal Receipt (btrec2100m900)
session is displayed.
- Verify that the Receipt Fiscal Document Type is set to Third party-From Shipment in the Document Data section.
- Verify that the unit price in the Unit Price field on the Receipt Lines tab is the same value that displays in the Customs Value field on the Shipping tab of the Purchase Order Line (tdpur4101m000) session.
Note: This value is also used to generate the postings in the Integration Transactions (tfgld4582m000) session. This invoice does not generate a payment schedule which can be configured through the fiscal search in Tax Engine. -
Click the Go to Details button for
the receipt line on the Receipt Lines
tab. The Receipt Lines – Details (btrec2101m900) session is
- Verify that the Generate Installments check box is cleared in the Fiscal Pattern section.
Verify that your fiscal invoice is selected in the Fiscal Receipt
(btrec2100m000) session.
- On the specific menu, click Approve Fiscal Document to approve the fiscal document.
- Verify the updated third-party balance in the Invoicing Relationship by Project (btfdc1120m000) session.
Verify that the MAUC is not calculated for this transaction because the item is
assigned to third party and the MAUC [BRL] (by Warehouse) is 0.00 on the
Transactions tab of the Inventory Receipt Transactions
(whina1512m000) session.
- Verify that the Ownership is Customer Owned and the business partner displays in the Owner field on the Ownership tab.
- In the Production Order (tisfc0101m100) session, click the Release Order button to release your production order.
- Select your production order in the Production Orders (tisfc0501m000) session.
On the specific menu, click Report Operations
Completed. The Report Operations Completed
(tisfc0130m000) session is displayed.
- Select the operation line with Additional Completed set to 0.00
- b. Click Complete. The Operation Status is updated to Complete.
- Verify that your production order is selected in the Production Orders (tisfc0501m000) session.
On the specific menu, click Report Orders
Completed. The Report Orders Completed
(tisfc0120s000) session is displayed.
- Specify the quantity in the Additional Quantity to Deliver field of the Quantities to Do section and press Tab.
- Select Production Completed in the Order Status field.
- Click Save.
- Click Yes when the “No hours posted! Continue?” message is displayed.
- Click Yes when the “Automatically confirm receipt when activating warehouse order inbound line?” message is displayed.
- Verify that the Order Status is updated to Completed.
Review the inventory transaction generated for the produced item on the
Inventory Transactions tab in the
Item – Warehouse Inventory Transactions (whinr1510m000)
Note: On the completion of production order, the item production is complete and is issued from the production order.
In the Sales Order (tdsls4100m900) session, review your
sales order.
- Select the sales order line on the Order Lines tab.
- On the specific menu, click Status. The Sales Order Line Status (tdss4534s000) session is displayed.
In the Sales Order Line Status (tdss4534s000)
- Verify that the Generate Production Orders activity is executed.
- Click Execute to release the sales order to Warehousing.
In the Sales Order (tdsls4100m900) session,
click Lines Monitor.
The Sales Order Lines Monitor (tdsls4510m000) session
is displayed.
- Verify that your warehouse order displays in the Linked Object field.
- Click Open Object. The Outbound Line Status Overview (whinh2129m000) session is displayed.
- Verify that all the outbound activities are automatically executed.
- Verify that the shipment number is updated in the Document Number field for the Release Sales Order to Warehousing activity in the Sales Order Line Status (tdsls4534s000) session.
- In the Sales Order Line Status (tdsls4534s000) session, click Execute to release the sales order to Invoicing.