Creating a sales order
To create a sales order, execute these steps:
- Access the Sales Order Intake Workbench (tdsls4601m200) session and click New. The Sales Order (tdsls4100m900) session is displayed.
Select the sold to business partner and press Tab.
Note: Infor LN populates the data related to the selected business partner.
- Select S08 (Sales Order Automatic) in the Order Type field, the sales office and the order series in the Control section.
- Click New on the Order Lines tab and select a purchased item in the second segment of the Item field.
- Specify the Ordered Quantity. The default price of the item is updated in the Price field.
- Click Approve to approve the sales order and execute the order line activities.
- Select the order line on the Order Lines tab and click References > Status . The Sales Order Line Status (tdsls4534s000) session is displayed.
- Review the sales order line activities and verify that the sales order is automatically released to Warehousing.
- Select References > View > Lines Monitor in the Sales Order (tdsls4100m900) session. The Sales Order Lines Monitor (tdsls4510m000) session opens.
- Verify that the sales order number displays in the Linked Object field and click Open Object. The Outbound Line Status Overview (whinh2129m000) session opens.
- Verify that the General Outbound Advice, Release Outbound Advice, Generate Picking List, and the Picking List activities are automatically executed.
- ClickActions > Freeze/Confirm . The Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session is displayed.
- Select the shipment line on the Shipments tab and click Confirm. The shipment line Status is updated to Confirmed on the Status tab.
- Verify that all the outbound activities are executed in the Outbound Line Status Overview (whinh2129m000) session and the Shipped quantity is updated in the Quantities In Inventory Unit section.
- Verify that the shipment number is updated in the Document Number field of the Release Sales Orders to Warehousing activity in the Sales Order Line Status (tdsls4534s000) session.
- Verify that the sales order is automatically released to Invoicing.
- Verify that the approval of sales order generates the related transactions in the Integration Transactions (tfgld4582m000) session.
- Select References > View > Invoicing 360 in the Sales Order (tdsls4100m900) session. The Invoicing 360 (cisli3600m000) session is displayed.
- Verify that your sales order is displayed in the third segment of the Source Document field and related billable line is displayed on the Billable Lines tab.
- Select the billable line on the Billable Lines tab and click Actions > Compose Invoice.
- Click Yes when the “Invoices will be composed based on the selected billable lines. Continue?” message is displayed. The Invoice Status is updated to Ready to Print.
- Select the invoice line on the Invoices > Invoice Data tab and click Actions > Submit to External Invoicing to send the data to the Tax Engine. The Invoice Status is updated to Submitted to External System.
- Access the Fiscal Documents 360 (lpbra3600m000) session, select Sales Order in the second segment, sales order number in the third segment of the Source Document field and click Apply Filter.
- Verify the fiscal reference generated for the invoice on the Fiscal Document tab.
- Access the Invoicing (btsli2100m000) session and click Go to Details for the invoice generated for the Fiscal Reference number. The Invoicing (btsli2100m900) session is displayed.
- Verify the Fiscal Document Type Code and the Invoicing Fiscal Document Type is Sale With Order in the Document Data section of the invoice header.
- Verify the invoice is selected in the Invoicing (btsli2100m000) session and click Actions > Process to print the invoice. The Print/Post Invoices (btsli2200m100) session opens.
- Verify that the Print check box is selected and click Continue. The Transferred Fiscal Documents Report is printed.
- Click OK when the “1 Fiscal Document s) Printed and 0 Fiscal Document(s) Posted.” message is displayed. The Invoice Status is updated to Printed.
- Verify that your invoice is selected in the Invoicing (btsli2100m000) session and click Actions > Electronic Fiscal Doc. > Process NFe Return to request the return of the electronic invoice. The Process Electronic Invoice Return (btnfe8220m000) session is displayed.
- Review the data and click Process. The Authorized Electronic Fiscal Document report is generated.
- Verify that the NFe Status is updated to Processed and NFe Sending Status is updated to Authorized in the Invoicing (btsli2100m000) session.
- Verify that the invoice is selected in the Invoicing (btsli2100m000) session and click Actions > Process to post and integrate the invoice. The Compose/Print/Post Invoices (btsli2200m100) session is displayed.
- Verify that the Post check box is selected in the Options section and click Continue.
- Click OK the “0 Fiscal Document s) Printed and 1 Fiscal Document(s) Posted.” message is displayed. The Invoice Status is updated to Posted.
- Verify that the invoice is selected in the Invoicing (btsli2100m000) session and click Actions > Financial Integration . The Financial Integration (btsli2100m910) session is displayed.
- Verify that the Invoice Status is updated to Posted and the related postings are updated on the Ledger Postings tab.
- Verify that the Invoice Status is updated to Approved by External System on the Invoices > Invoice Data tab of the Invoicing 360 (cisli3600m000) session.
- Select the invoice and click Direct Process to generate the document in Accounts receivable (ACR) and the related entries.
- Verify that the generated ACR document and the related batch number is displayed in the Batch Number field of the Posting Batches Created report.
- Verify that the transactions related to COGS and a part of the sales revenue are updated on the Journal Details tab of the Integration Transactions (tfgld4582m000) session.
- Access the Accounts Receivable 360 (tfacr2560m000) session, select the business partner and click Open Entries in the Document section. The Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000) session is displayed.
- Review the open entry transaction generated for the business partner.
- Select the open entry generated for the business partner on the General tab and click References > GL Transactions. The Document History – Transaction Lines (tfgld0618m200) session is displayed.
- Review the non-finalized transactions related to the document on the Non-Finalized Transaction Lines tab.