Fiscal Document Type Matrix
Create these fiscal document type codes for purchase with anticipated billing functionality in
the Fiscal Document Type Code (lpbra0101m000) session:
- Simple billing of anticipated receiving
This is issued by the supplier to the customer for receiving payment before starting the
production of the contracted item. Create a fiscal document type code with this data:
- Transaction Origin – set to Inbound
- Receipt – set to Simple Billing of Anticipated Receiving
- Invoicing –set to Not Applicable
Create a fiscal document type matrix with this data in the Fiscal Document Type Code Matrix
Definition (lpbra0102m000) session:
- Select the order type for anticipated payments in the Order Type field.
- Select Supplier Stage Payment in the Receipt Type field.
- Select Pay on Receipt in the Payment Type field.
- Select Yes in the Invoice by Stage Payment field.
- Select fiscal document type code of type simple billing of anticipated receiving in the Fiscal Document Type Code field.
- Simple shipment of anticipated receiving
This is issued by the supplier to the customer for delivery of the physical inventory in full
or partial according to the contract. Create a fiscal document type code with this data:
- Transaction Origin –set to Inbound
- Receipt –set to Simple Shipment of Anticipated Receiving
- Invoicing –set to Not Applicable
Create a fiscal document type matrix with this data in the Fiscal Document Type Code Matrix
Definition (lpbra0102m000) session:
- Select the order type for anticipated payments in the Order Type field.
- Select Yes in the Invoice by Stage Payment field.
- Select fiscal document type code of type simple shipment of anticipated receiving in the Fiscal Document Type Code field.