Creating a purchase order
To receive the raw material sent by the customer, create a purchase order.
To create a purchase order, execute these steps:
- .Access the Purchase Order Intake Workbench (tdpur4601m200) session and click New. The Purchase Order (tdpur4100m900) session is displayed.
Select the business partner in the Business
Partner field of the Buy-from section and
press Tab.
Note: Infor LN populates the default data for the selected business partner in the other fields of the purchase order header.
- Select the order type of furnished materials in the Order Type field, purchase office in the Purchase Office field, and the order series in the Order field of the Control section.
Click New on the Order Lines tab, select the furnished material
sent by the customer in the second segment of the Item field, and specify the quantity of the item in the
Ordered Quantity field.
Note: Verify that the default price of the item in the Price field is 0.00.
- Click Go to Details for the purchase order line on the Order Lines tab. The Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session is displayed.
Verify that the Payment is
No Payment and the business
partner displays in the Owner field
in the Payment section on the Invoicing tab.
Note: The item is not required to be received in the third-party not owned (TNP) warehouse because the Payment Type of the order indicates that the ownership of the material is assigned to the business partner.
- Click Approve to approve the purchase order. The Print Purchase Order report is generated.
- Select the purchase order line on the Order Lines tab and click References > Status. The Purchase Order Line Status (tdpur4534m000) session is displayed.
- Verify that the Print Purchase Orders activity is automatically executed and click Execute release the purchase order to Warehousing.
- Click Execute to execute the Awaiting Receipts - Warehouse activity. The Inbound Line Status Overview (whinh2119m000) session is displayed.
- Select Actions > Receive. The Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session is displayed.
Select the receipt line on the Lines > Receipt tab and click Actions > Create Brazilian Invoice.
Note: This option generates the receipt invoice in the Match Receipt Lines to Fiscal Document (btrec1101m000) session.
- Select the receipt line on the Receipt tab and click Actions > Mark to Link to select the receipt line to match with the fiscal document. The Linked check box is selected and the login ID of the user is updated in the User field.
- Verify that the receipt line is selected and click Actions > Link Receipt Line. The Link Receipt Line to Fiscal Document (btrec1200s100) session is displayed.
- Specify the required data in the Issue Date, Fiscal Document, and the Series fields and click Link. The document is generated with a Fiscal Reference number.
- Access the Fiscal Receipt (btrec2100m000) session and click Go to Details for the fiscal receipt document. The Fiscal Receipt (btrec2100m900) session is displayed.
- Verify that the Receipt Fiscal Document Type is Third Party - From Shipment in the Document section on the General tab.
Verify that the Unit Price of the
item on the Receipt Lines tab is same
as the value specified in the Customs
Value field on the Shipping tab in the Purchase Order Lines
(tdpur4101m000) session.
Note: The payment schedule is not defined for this invoice and can be configured through the Tax Engine fiscal setup.
- Verify that the Generate Installments check box is not selected for the fiscal receipt line on the Accounting tab.
- Verify that the fiscal receipt document is selected in the Fiscal Receipts (btrec2100m000) session and click Actions > Approve/Integrate. The fiscal document is approved and is integrated with the order.
- Verify that the related third-party balance is updated in the Invoicing Relationship by Project (btfdc1120m000) session.
- Verify that the MAUC is not calculated for the item and the MAUC [BRL] (by warehouse) field is 0.00 on the Transactions tab, the Ownership is Customer Owned and the business partner displays in the Owner field on the Ownership tab in the Inventory Receipt Transactions (whina1512m000) session.
- Access the Production Order (tisfc0101m100) session and click Release Order to release the production order and execute the operations.
- Verify that the production order is selected in the Production Orders (tisfc0501m000) session and click Actions > Report Operations Completed. The Report Operations Completed (tisfc0130m000) session is displayed.
- Specify the completed quantity in the Additional Completed field of the operation, select the operation line and click Complete.
- Verify that the production order is selected in the Production Orders (tisfc0501m000) session and click Actions > Report Orders Completed. The Report Orders Completed (tisfc0120s000) session is displayed.
- Specify the quantity in the Additional Quantity to Deliver field of the Quantities to Do section and press Tab.
- Select Production Completed in the Order Status field and click Save.
- Click Yes when prompted with the “No hours posted. Continue?” message.
- Click Yes when prompted with the “Automatically confirm receipt when activating warehouse order inbound line?” message.
Verify that the Order Status is
updated Completed in the
Report Orders Completed (tisfc0120s000) session and the
related inventory transaction is updated on the Inventory Transactions tab of the Item - Warehouse -
Inventory Transactions (whinr1510m000) session.
Note: After the produced item is issued from the production order, the sales order line activities must be executed.
- Select the order line on the Order Lines tab and click > Status. The Sales Order Line Status (tdsls4534s000) session is displayed.
- Click Execute to release the sales orders to Warehousing.
- Select References > View > Lines Monitor in the Sales Order (tdsls4100m900) session. The Sales Order Lines - Monitor (tdsls4501m000) session is displayed.
- Verify that the sales order displays in the Linked Object field and click Open Object. The Outbound Line Status Overview (whinh2129m000) session is displayed.
- Verify that the Generate Outbound Advice and the Release Outbound Advice activities are automatically executed and click Actions > Freeze/Confirm. The Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session is displayed.
- Select the shipment line on the Shipments tab and click Confirm. The shipment line Status is updated to Confirmed on the Status tab.
- Verify that all the outbound line activities are executed in the Outbound Line Status Overview (whinh2129m000) session.
- Verify that the shipment number is updated in the Document Number field for the Release Sales Orders to Warehousing activity in the Sales Order Line Status (tdsls4534s000) session and click Execute to release the sales orders to Invoicing.
- Access the Invoicing 360 (cisli3600m000) session, select the sales order in the third segment of the Source Document field and click Apply Filter.
- Select the billable line of the sales order on the Billable Lines tab and click Actions > Compose Invoice. The Invoice Status is updated to Ready to Print.
- Select the invoice line on the Invoices > Invoice Data tab and click Actions > Submit to External InvoicingInvoice Status is updated to Submitted to External System.
- Access the Fiscal Documents 360 (lpbra3600m000) session, select the sales order in the third segment of the Source Document field and click Apply Filter.
- Verify that the generated fiscal reference number displays in the Fiscal Reference field on the Fiscal Document tab.
- Access the Invoicing (btsli2100m000) session and click Go to Details for your invoice with the fiscal reference number. The Invoicing (btsli2100m900) session is displayed.
- Verify that the Invoicing Fiscal Document Type is Shipment Return-from Third Party and the invoice line is added on the Lines tab with a Line Type of Industrialization.
- Click Go to Details for the invoice line on the Lines tab. The Lines - Details (btsli2101m900) session is displayed.
- Specify the data related to the invoice receipt on the Third Party Return tab and click Save changes and exit.
- Verify that the invoice line is selected on the Lines tab in the Invoicing (btsli2100m900) session and click Actions > Process Link Confirmation.
- Verify that an invoice line related to the third-party data is added to the Lines tab with a Line Type of Return.
- Click Go to Details for the invoice line on the Lines tab. The Lines - Details (btsli2101m900) session is displayed.
- Review the data in the Fiscal Pattern section of the Accounting
- Verify that the related invoice balance is updated in the Invoicing Relationship by Receipt (btfdc1120m000) session.
- Verify that the invoice is selected in the Invoicing (btsli2100m000) session and click Actions > Process to print the invoice. The Compose/Print/Post Invoices (btsli2200m100) session is displayed.
- Verify that the Print check box is selected in the Options section and click Continue. The Transferred Fiscal Documents Report is generated and the Invoice Status is updated to Printed.
- Verify that the invoice is selected in the Invoicing (btsli2100m000) session and click Actions > Electronic Fiscal Document > Process NFe Return to process the return of electronic invoice. The Process Electronic Invoice Return (btnfe8220m000) session is displayed.
- Review the data and click Process. The Authorized Electronic Fiscal Document report is generated.
- Verify that the invoice is selected in the Invoicing (btsli2100m000) session and click Actions > Process to post and integrate the invoice. The Compose/Print/Post Invoices (btsli2200m100) session is displayed.
- Verify that the Post check box is selected in the Options section and click Continue. The Invoice Status is updated to Posted.
- Verify that the invoice is selected in the Invoicing (btsli2100m000) session and click Actions > Financial Integration. The Financial Integration (btsli2100m910) session is displayed.
- Verify that the Invoice Status is Posted and the related postings data are updated on the Ledger Postings tab.
- Access the Invoicing 360 (cisli3600m000) session and verify that the Invoice Status is updated to Approved by External System on the Invoices > Invoice Data tab.
- Select the invoice line on the Invoices > Invoice Data tab and click Direct Process to generate the related financial document. The Posting Batches Created report is generated with the invoice number.
- Verify that the integration transaction postings, COGS, and the part of sales revenue transactions are updated in the Integration Transactions (tfgld4582m000) session.
- Access the Accounts Receivable 360 (tfacr2560m000) session, select the business partner and click Open Entries in the Documents section. The Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000) session is displayed.
- Select the open entry for the invoice and click References > GL Transactions. The Document History - Transaction Lines (tfgld0618m200) session is displayed.
- Review the transaction entries that compose the sales revenue.