Turnover from sales orders
The sales order must be billed and the billing status must be set to Launched, in order to generate a sales invoice.
Release Sales Orders/Schedules to Invoicing (tdsls4247m000) session can be started from the specific menu in the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000) session or using Sales Deliveries (tdsls4101m200) session.
Use the Billing Requests (cisli2100m000) session to create a billing request. You must select a billing request template and a billing request addition for the billing request. The selection ranges specified the sales order for which billing is to be processed.
Use the Compose/Print/Post Invoices (cisli2200m000) session to process the billing request. You can process individual billing requests or process multiple billing requests in a billing request set. In the Compose/Print/Post Invoices (cisli2200m000) session, select the check boxes to indicate the process. To perform the complete invoicing process, for example, in a batch job, select these check boxes:
- Composing
- Infor LN generates invoices from the selected invoicing data. The invoicing data lines are grouped on the invoices according to the relevant composing criteria. The invoicing data lines status and the billing request status are set to Composed. The invoice receives a temporary invoice sequence number.
- To check the invoices, you can print draft invoices or you can view the composed invoices in the Invoices (cisli2505m100) session. If corrections to the invoicing data or to the printed invoices are required, you can undo the composition of the invoices.
- Printing
- Draft: LN prints draft invoices that you can check. The draft invoice shows the temporary invoice sequence number. The invoicing data lines status and the billing request status remain Composed.
- Original: LN prints the final invoices that you can send to the business partners. To perform the complete invoicing process, select this check box. The status of the invoicing data lines, the billing request, and the invoices is set to Printed. LN generates the invoice document numbers from the applicable transaction types and series.
- Posting: LN posts the invoices to Financials. LN performs these actions:
- Creates open entries in Accounts Receivable.
- Creates non-finalized integration transactions according to the integration mapping scheme.
- Creates non-finalization transactions in Financials.
- Returns the invoice information, for example, the invoice document number and date, to Operations Management.
- Sets the status of the invoicing data lines, the billing request, and the invoices to Posted.
When you compose the sales invoice, the invoice is generated for all required taxes, based on the default set for the company and the client partner (VAT, perceptions).
To generate the invoices for the LISTED final invoices, the system determined using the tax status of the customer and the company letter.
The branch must select sales from a list (in case of export bills an export branch type) and depending on the branch selected, the receipt letter is generated to issue tax invoice number based on the default data on tax vouchers.
When the sales invoice is counted based on the Accounting Summary field defined in the Fiscal Entity companies (laprml121m901) session, the summary accounting tax gathering lines (perceptions) is displayed with all these data:
- Billing request set: Select this check box to process billing request sets.
- Billing request set: The billing request set of which you want to process the billing requests.
- Deadline: The date and time of billing requests recently created for all billing requests. Only order lines created before this date and time are selected for processing.
- Billing Request: The range of billing requests to be processed.
- Internal Branch: The sales Branch, local or export, for which invoices are generated. According to the screen shown by the number of legal branch related to it and the following number of tax receipt to be generated for each letter of invoice.
- Compose: If this check box is selected, LN generates invoices from selected billing data. The invoicing data lines are grouped on the invoices according to the relevant composing criteria. The invoicing data lines status and the billing request status are set to Composed. The invoice gets a temporary invoice sequence number.
- Invoice Date: The date and time when the invoice is created.
- Undo compose: To undo the composition of the invoices, select this check box. If corrections to the invoicing data or to the printed invoices are required, you can undo the composition of the invoices.
- Undo compose and delete: To undo the composition of the invoices and delete the invoicing data from Invoicing, select this check box. If corrections to the invoicing data or to the printed invoices are required, you can undo the composition of the invoices.
- List: If this check box is selected, LN prints
the invoices. Select one of the following check boxes:
- Draft: To print you can check interim bills.
- Original: You can print final invoices to send to your customers.
- Original: Infor LN prints final invoices that you can send to your customers. The status of the invoicing data lines, the billing request, and the invoices is set to Printed.
- Draft: LN prints draft invoices that you can check. The invoicing data lines status and the billing request status remain Composed. In this case even the number is not assigned to corresponding fiscal.
- Invoice Delivery Method: If this check box is selected, LN prints the invoices sorted by invoice delivery method.
- Post: If this check box is selected, LN posts the invoices to the ledger accounts in Financials, and creates open entries in the Accounts Receivable module. The status of the invoicing data lines, the billing request, and the invoices is set to Posted.
- Transactional date: The date and time when LN posts the invoices to Financials.
- Device for invoices: The device to which the invoices must be printed.
- Device for postings: The device to which the process report must be printed if you post the invoices.
The printed final invoice and account shows the report of the invoice generated and a report which shows the batch and transaction type and number of accounting and the layout depends on the configuration made in the Reports - Bills of sale (laslil101m000) session.