Return Sales Orders
A sales order that is reported in the expeditions as returned. You can use the
Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900) session to create a sales order
with order type return and you can copy the lines from the original document (Sales Order,
Invoice). In the Order of Sale - Details (tdsls4100m000) session, the
lines of the original sales order are defaulted to the lines of the return sales order
These data are defaulted:
- Original Document Type: The document type that is linked to the original document if the sales order type is a return order.
- Original Document number: The financial company on the invoice where the delivered goods are stored for the return order.
- Original Document number: The transaction type code on the document for the return order.
- Original Document number: The original document number for the return order.
- If the fields in the Returns group box are populated and you click from Original Document on the appropriate menu, dependent on the Original Document Type, a session starts from which you can select the lines of the original document to be copied to the current order. As a result, a link is created between the original order line and the return order line.
- When a return order is linked to an original Order and you click from Original Document on the appropriate menu, the original sales/issue integration transactions are reversed. When copy from original order is not carried out, fixed transfer price (FTP) is used to create the financial integration transactions for the sales return order.
- Copy of original document: The original document copied from the lines of a sales order to complete the process.
The original tax invoice generated at the time is copied to return sales order, allowing Infor ERP LN to reverse the credit note document generated, even though the taxes are changed.