Process Modeler (tgbrgwed )

The Process Modeler Workbench is used to graphically create and maintain the different types of diagrams that make up an enterprise model. The enterprise model consists of these parts:

  • The highest level is the enterprise-structure model which is represented by the enterprise-structure diagram that visualizes the multicompany structure of the Company.
  • The next level is the business model which is a subset of these diagrams that are maintained in the repository.
  • Then there is the data model which is represented by the Entity Relationship Diagram. This diagram provides information about the physical and/or logical data model of the LN package combination to which the Enterprise Model applies.

How to use the Process Modeler Workbench

The functionalities you can use to create and maintain the models are basically the same for all.

The explanation of all buttons, icons and graphical objects that are available in the Process Modeler Workbench can be found in the Legend.

Functions used in all diagram types

Drop-down menus:

Menu Options Description
Edit -> Undo To undo the last user action.
Edit -> Redo Reverses the last Undo command.
Edit -> Cut Deletes the currently selected diagram objects from the diagram and copy these objects to the diagram clipboard.
Edit -> Copy Copies the currently selected diagram objects from the diagram and copy these objects to the diagram clipboard.
Edit -> Paste Copies the diagram objects from the diagram clipboard into the diagram.
Edit -> Delete Deletes the currently selected diagram objects from the diagram.
Edit -> Select All Selects all diagram objects in the diagram.
Edit -> Deselect All Deselects all selected objects in the diagram.
View -> Show Header Shows or hides the diagram header.
View -> Show External Codes Shows or hides the external codes that are setup in the graphical object properties.
View -> Zoom in Increases zoom level.
View -> Zoom out Decreases zoom level.
View -> Actual size Sets the zoom to the default value 100.
View -> Zoom to fit Resizes the diagram to make it completely visible.
View -> Snap to Grid Switches on or off the automatic alignment of objects based on a fixed grid.
Action drop-down menu The Action drop-down menu contains diagram specific options which can be found here:
  • Enterprise Structure Diagram Action drop-down menu
  • Business Control Diagram Action drop-down menu
  • Business Function Diagram Action drop-down menu
  • Business Process Diagram Action drop-down menu
Insert -> Info Block Inserts a text block that contains information regarding the diagram such as diagram code, description, version, creation date and last modification date.
Insert -> Annotation Inserts a note that is directly readable in the diagram.
Insert -> .... The other graphical objects that can be selected in the Insert drop-down menu differ per diagram type and are explained here:
  • Enterprise Structure Diagram graphical objects
  • Business Control Diagram graphical objects
  • Business Function Diagram graphical objects
  • Business Process Diagram graphical objects
  • Entity Relationship Diagram graphical objects
Arrange -> Align -> Top Aligns all selected graphical objects vertically, relative to the top of the object that is most at the top.
Arrange -> Align -> Middle Aligns all selected graphical objects vertically, relative to the middle of all selected objects.
Arrange -> Align -> Bottom Aligns all selected graphical objects vertically, relative to the bottom of the object that is most at the bottom.
Arrange -> Align -> Left Aligns all selected graphical objects horizontally, relative to the left of the object that is most to the left.
Arrange -> Align -> Center Aligns all selected graphical objects horizontally, relative to the middle of all selected object.
Arrange -> Align -> Right Aligns all selected graphical objects horizontally, relative to the right of the object that is most to the right.
Arrange -> Make Same Size -> Width Resizes the width of all selected graphical objects to the widest of all selected objects.
Arrange -> Make Same Size -> Height Resizes the height of all selected graphical objects to the highest of all selected objects.
Arrange -> Make Same Size -> Both Resizes the height and width of all selected graphical objects to the highest and widest of all selected objects.
Arrange -> Space Evenly -> Across Aligns all selected graphical objects with the same horizontal distance from each other.
Arrange -> Space Evenly -> Down Aligns all selected graphical objects with the same vertical distance from each other.

Operations used in all diagram types

These operations are generic for all diagram types:

Operation Description
Insert a relationship/trigger From the Insert drop-down menu or the Diagram Objects toolbar select relationship or trigger. Click and hold the left mouse key on the first graphical object that you want to connect, then move the cursor to the destination object and release the left mouse button.
Insert all other graphical objects From the Insert drop-down menu or the Diagram Objects toolbar select the desired graphical object. Move the cursor to the first a location in the diagram and click once.
Move a graphical object Select one or more graphical objects and drag them to the new location.
Modify the size of a graphical object Select the graphical object and drag one of the black squares positioned at the outline of the object. To change the width of the object by dragging the black squares positioned at the left or the right side. To change the height of the object by dragging the black square positioned at the top or the bottom. To change both the width and the height, drag the black square at the top or the bottom. To change both the width and the height, drag the black square positioned at the corner. Not all diagram objects are resizable!
Link a text to a graphical object Right-click the graphical object and select Text or Model Text. A text window opens where you can enter your text. In this text window, from the Reference menu you can select Zoom session. A list of possible options is displayed to add references to other Dynamic Enterprise Modeler content or LN sessions in the text. To exit the text window click save changes and exit. Once a Text or Model Text is linked to a graphical object, a Text- or Model Text icon is linked to the diagram object. Double-click this icon to open the text window.
View/Modify the properties a graphical object Right-click a graphical object, select Properties to view/modify the properties of the graphical object.
View/Modify the properties of the diagram Right-click the diagram canvas outside an graphical object and select Properties to view/modify the properties of the diagram.


The buttons available on the toolbars are explained in:

  • Top Toolbar
  • Diagram Objects Toolbar
  • Align Toolbar