Import Version Dump (tgbrg1245m000)
Use this session to:
- Copy data from one system or company to another system or company.
- Import translated descriptions and texts.
- import a backup of DEM data.
Import files are created with the Export Version Dump (tgbrg1235m000) session.
If the source version, created with the Export Version Dump (tgbrg1235m000) session, differs from the version into which you want to import the data (target version), you must select the Import Model Items into different Version check box.
During the data import, a check is run whether the version already exists in the target system or company. If the version does not exist you will be asked if the version must be created.
If the import file contains data from derived-from-versions, the file was exported with a selected Include Previous Versions check box in the Export Version Dump (tgbrg1235m000) session. Consequently, this structure must also exist in the system or company into which the file is imported.
If the import file contains data from derived-from-versions, and this data is imported into a different version than it was originally exported, the DEM data versions are purged into one import version.
If an import file is exported from an older DEM software version the DEM data is automatically converted to the new DEM data format.
When you import a range of business processes, the components and corresponding applications that are used in the business processes are not imported. Use the Import Component Model Data (tgbrg5256m000) session to import the components and applications. You must first export the components and applications with the Export Component Model Data (tgbrg5257m000) session.
If you import a version dump containing applications to which the activities are linked exist on your system, or in your company, you do not have to export and import the applications. If the correct applications are present, but the component and component release are named differently, run the Rename Cmp. & Release Codes in Activities and Supp. App's (tgbrg5220m000) session to re-establish the links between the activities and the applications.
If you import LN DEM data you are prompted to specify the LN component to which the ERP session must be linked. This component with applications must be available. If an imported version is protected with a license you must enter the license registration.
If the data in the file is not correct, a log file will be printed with the errors and the line number in the file.
Examples of errors:
- A reference does not exist
- A code or description is too long
- A table field does not exist
Field Information
- Upload File
If this check box is selected, you can upload a file from the local system. If this option is cleared the file is located on the server. Specify the information in the File field about the folder location and file name.
- File
The path and file name where the ASCII file is stored. If the Upload File option is cleared, a message is displayed asking you to specify a file name and location on the server.
Default value
represents the ERP Software Environment on the server. You can overwrite the default path. - Import Model Items into different Version
If this check box is selected, the data must be imported into a target version that is different from the source version of the version dump that is created with the Export Version Dump (tgbrg1235m000) session.
You must specify the target version in the Import into Version field. The version into which the ASCII file is imported.
- Import into Version
The description or name of the model item.
Note: You can only specify the target version in this field if you have selected the Import Model Items into different Version check box. - Overwrite
If this check box is selected, the data that already exists in the target version is overwritten by the import data.
Version A Version B Business process Business process ABC001 (Order control) ABC001 (Order control procedure) After running the current session (export version A and import it in version B) the description of the ABC001 business process in version B will also be 'Order control'.
- Keep Employees by Project model
If this check box is selected, you will keep all objects of a specific type even if the imported file does not contain objects of that type.
For example, the model contains one or more employees. The import data file does not contain employees. When running the import without selecting the Keep Employees by Project model checkbox will remove the employees from the model. After importing this file and the Keep Employees by Project model checkbox is selected, the employees will remain in the model.
- Print Errors
If this check box is selected, errors that occur during the import are printed.
- Business Control Diagrams
If this check box is selected, business-control diagrams from the specified range are imported.
- Business Functions
If this check box is selected, business functions from the range specified are imported.
- Business Processes
If this check box is selected, business processes from the range specified are imported.
- Rules
If this check box is selected, rules from the specified range and rule type are imported.
- Support Applications
If this check box is selected, support applications from the range specified are imported.
- Static Conditions
If this check box is selected, static conditions from the range specified are imported.
- Wizards
If this check box is selected, wizards from the specified range are imported.
- Wizard DLL Functions
If this check box is selected, wizard DLL functions from the specified range are imported.
- Entity Relationship Diagrams
If this check box is selected, entity relationship diagrams from the specified range are imported.
- Data Entities
If this check box is selected, entity types from the range specified are imported.
- Data Entity Relations
If this check box is selected, entity relationships from the specified range are imported.
- Reference Models
If this check box is selected, reference models from the range specified are imported.
- Project Models
If this check box is selected, project models from the range specified are imported.
- Workflow Priorities
If this check box is selected, workflow priorities from the specified range are imported.
- Enterprise Structure Models
If this check box is selected, enterprise-structure models from the specified range are imported.
- Formal Business Processes
If this check box is selected, formal business processes from the specified range are imported.
- Queries
If this check box is selected, queries from the specified range are imported.
- Employee Group Types
If this check box is selected, the employee group types from the specified range are imported.
- Enterprise Unit Categories
If this check box is selected, enterprise unit categories from the specified range are imported.
- Enterprise Unit Relationship Categories
If this check box is selected, enterprise-unit relationship categories from the specified range are imported.
- Business Control Diagram Category
If this check box is selected, the business control diagram categories from the specified range are imported.
- Function/Buffer/External Agent Categories
If this check box is selected, ERP exports the BCD function/buffer/external agent category from the specified range.
- Business Control Diagram Trigger Categories
If this check box is selected, business-control diagram (BCD trigger categories) from the specified range are imported.
- BF Categories
If this check box is selected, business-function categories from the specified range are imported.
- BP Categories
If this check box is selected, business process categories from the specified range are imported.
- Activity Category
If this check box is selected, activity categories from the specified range are imported.
- Entity Type Category
If this check box is selected, the entity type categories from the specified range are imported.
- Relationship Category
If this check box is selected, entity relationship categories from the specified range are imported.
- Wizard Category
If this check box is selected, the wizard categories from the range specified are imported.
- Statuses
If this check box is selected, you can specify to import a range of statuses for a subselection of model items.
- Employee Groups
If this check box is selected, the employee groups from the specified range are imported.
- AO Documents
If this check box is selected, AO documents from the range specified are imported.
- Responsibility Codes
If this check box is selected, responsibilities from the range specified are imported.
- Child Employee Groups
If this check box is selected, the child employee groups from the specified range are imported.
- Roles
If this check box is selected, the roles from the specified range are imported.
- Subroles
If this check box is selected, the subroles from the specified range are imported.
- Employees
If this check box is selected, the employees from the specified range are imported.
- Roles by Employees
If this check box is selected, the roles assigned to the employee are imported.
- Employee Groups by Employee
If this check box is selected, the employee groups to which the employee is assigned are imported.
- Dynamic Menu Browser Settings
If this check box is selected, the dynamic menu browser settings are imported for the ERP user that is linked to the employee.
The settings for the dynamic menu browser are defined in the User Enterprise Modeler Settings (tgbrg8136m000) session.
- Check Data Integrity
If this check box is selected, the information in the import file is checked on:
- If all the relationships a model item has with other model items exist. If the relationship between two model items no longer exists, because one of the two model items is deleted, a report is generated that shows the missing model item.
- If all descriptions still comply to the domain definition on the target system. If not they are adjusted to the new domain.
Note:- Selecting this option will slow down performance.
- If you import a complete version dump in the same ERP version then this check box can be cleared, else it is recommended to select this option.
- Workflow Fixed Date and Time Formulas
If this check box is selected, fixed date and time formulas from the specified range are imported.
- Hide Session
If this check box is selected, the current session's main window is hidden and a progress window is displayed when the import process is initiated. The latter window shows the target version and the session code of the Import Version Dump (tgbrg1245m000) session in its title bar.