Save Neutrals and Thumbnails tab (My SolidWorks Preferences)

Use this tab to set the preferences for these files generated during the integration:

  • Neutral files
  • Additional files
  • Thumbnails

Save Neutral Files/Parts/Drawings

Use this section on the Save Neutrals and Thumbnails tab to set the preferences for the additional formats in which the local SolidWorks files must be saved in PLM. Consequently, part files if present, are also saved in the additional formats.

Formats can be defined for these types of neutral SolidWorks files:

  • Parts
  • Assemblies
  • Drawings

Some of the supported formats used to generate neutral files:

  • BMP
  • PDF
  • IGES
  • ACIS
  • ParaSolids
  • STEP


Preferences Description
Generate thumbnails during Save to PLM If this check box is selected, thumbnails are generated when SolidWorks files are saved in PLM. Thumbnails are generated only for the editable components of a SolidWorks file. A file is considered editable when the status is Undefined and you have the ownership of the file.
Generate thumbnails for part file types If this check box is selected, thumbnails are generated for the SolidWorks part files, that is, files with .prt or .sldprt extension.
Generate thumbnails for assembly file types If this check box is selected, thumbnails are generated for the SolidWorks assembly files, that is, files with .asm or .sldasm extension.
Generate thumbnails for drawing file types If this check box is selected, thumbnails are generated for the SolidWorks drawing files, that is, files with .drw or .slddrw extension.
Use thumbnail information of active configuration If this check box is selected, thumbnails are generated for the active configuration of a part or an assembly.
Generate thumbnails for CAD file structure The option to determine the files for which thumbnails must be generated. Possible values:
  • All Levels: Thumbnails are generated for all the files in the structure.
  • Selected document only: Thumbnails are generated only for the current active file.
  • Generate thumbnails for CAD file Prompt: Thumbnails are generated only for the files selected from the window that is displayed at runtime.
    Note: This field is enabled only if the Generate Thumbnails is selected on the PLM Menu.
Format for thumbnails generation The format in which the thumbnails must be generated.
Register thumbnails under document objects only If this check box is selected, thumbnails are generated for documents only. If this check box is cleared, thumbnails are generated for documents and items.
Thumbnails Size The size of the thumbnail.