Save Options tab (My SolidWorks Preferences)
Use this tab to set the preferences related to the various Save options for the PLM files
during the integration.
Preferences | Description |
Concatenate Item-ID/File-ID | If this check box is selected, the SolidWorks files are renamed when the files are saved in PLM for the first time. For the Drawing files the related PLM file ID is added as a prefix to the name of the file. For all other files, the related PLM Item ID is used. |
Create Documents Only | If this check box is selected, only the document is created when the file is saved to PLM. |
Must assign an Item | If this check box is selected, an item must be assigned to the objects while saving a file to PLM. |
Set Object Attribute During Save | If this check box is selected, attributes can be defined for the files, documents and items that are saved to PLM. |
Specify Manual ID for Items | If this check box is selected, IDs can be specified for the items manually. |
Specify Manual ID for Documents | If this check box is selected, IDs can be specified for the documents manually. |
Set object to match file name | If this check box is selected, the integration creates the Item ID, Document ID, File name, and File ID based on the same identifier. |
Save files (if modified) locally at process start | If this check box is selected, the current model is saved automatically when the file is saved in PLM and the operation is continued. This preference is only for the Root file. |
Preferences | Description |
Set Item-ID based on | The option based on which the Item ID must be set. |
Action to take if Item-ID exists in PLM database | The option to determine the action that must be performed when the file is saved in PLM, in case the item ID exists in PLM. |
Action to take when same Item-ID is generated for multiple files | The option to determine the action that must be performed when the file is saved in PLM, in case same item ID is generated for multiple files. |
Custom property to use as Item-ID | The name of the custom property defined in the CAD file, used to generate the Item ID. |
Preferences | Description |
Save only modified files | If this check box is selected, only the modified files are saved in PLM. |
Warn if the selected document is changed but not locally saved | If this check box is selected, a message is displayed to save the file (modified in the application session), on the local system. |
Do not traverse child files under non-modified files | If this check box is selected, the child files attached to the unmodified files are not traversed. Only modified files are traversed, resulting in performance improvement. |
Preferences | Description |
Check In Cleanup | The action taken on the files after the check-in. Possible values:
Save and Unlock Cleanup | The action taken on the files after the Save and Unlock operation. Possible
Show message on successful save | If this check box is selected, a message is dis- played when these actions are
completed successfully: