My Tasks (pdwfl1524m000)
Field Information
- Priority
The priority set for the tasks to be completed for the business process.
Allowed values
- Medium
- Urgent
- Low
- Business Process Type
The type of business process.
Allowed values
- Approval Process
- Business Process
The code of the business process.
- Description
The description or name of the code.
- Step/Task
The operation defined for the workflow. The assigned user must complete the operation (task) before the workflow can continue with the next step or task.
- Activity Description
The information related to the task.
- Max Duration (In Hours)
The maximum duration time required to respond to the task.
- PLM Project
The PLM project for which the business process is created.
- Description
The description or name of the code.
- Workflow Template
The code of the workflow template defined for the business process.
- Current Step
Indicates that the step is the latest.
- Status
The status of the task.
Allowed values
- Created
The Business Process is created.
- In Progress
The Business Process is launched.
- Completed
The Business Process steps are completed.
- Rejected
The Business Process is rejected.
- Suspended
The Business Process is temporarily kept on hold for a reason.
- Failed
The system steps (Check-In, Check-Out) related to the Business Process have failed.
- Fully Rejected
The Business Process is cancelled.
- Exit Date
The date on which task is completed.
- User Name
The login ID of the user working on the task.
- Name
The name of the user working on the task.
- Skip Step
Indicates that the step can be skipped.
- Task Type
The category of the task.
Allowed values
- Review
- Approve
- Design
- Not Applicable
- Just Arrived Flag
Indicates that the task has been added recently.
- Originator
The user who launch the business process. The originator may also be the Responsible User.
- User/Group
The name of the user related to the group to which the task is assigned.
Allowed values
- Assigned
- User
- Group
- Group Name
The name of the group to which the task is assigned.
- Responsible User
The user who is responsible for the business process.
- Reject To
The name of the user to whom the business process is assigned after the rejection.
- Reject By
The name of the user who rejects the business process.
- Reason
The code of the reason for rejection of the business process.
- Remarks
The information for the user related to the business process.
- Init Date
The date and time when the business process is initiated.
- Warn Send Date
The date on which the warning is to be sent.
- Time Unit
The unit of time.
Allowed values
- Minute
- Hour
- Day
- Week
- Month
- Edit Permission
Indicates if the user can edit the task.
Allowed values
- R/W
- R/O
- Change in Production Cost
The change in cost of production after the impact analysis.
- Change in Non-recurring Cost
The change in non-recurring cost after the impact analysis.
- Change in Process Cost
The change in process cost after the impact analysis.
- Designed Hours Required
The total number of hours the design engineers require to perform the relevant changes in the objects involved in the engineering change.
- Change in Part Weight
The numerical value to indicate the change in part weight after the impact analysis.
- Object Type
The category of the object.
- Impact Analysis
The impact of the rejection of the business process.