Business Process (pdwfl1500m000)
Field Information
- Priority
The priority set for the business process.
Allowed values
- Medium
- Urgent
- Low
- Status
The status of the business process.
Allowed values
- Created
The Business Process is created.
- In Progress
The Business Process is launched.
- Completed
The Business Process steps are completed.
- Rejected
The Business Process is rejected.
- Suspended
The Business Process is temporarily kept on hold for a reason.
- Failed
The system steps (Check-In, Check-Out) related to the Business Process have failed.
- Fully Rejected
The Business Process is cancelled.
- Business Process Type
The type of business process.
Allowed values
- Approval Process
- Business Process
The code of the business process.
- Description
The description or name of the code.
- Responsible User
The user who is responsible for this business process.
- PLM Project
The PLM project for which the business process is created.
- Description
The description or name of the code.
- Workflow Template
The template used for the workflow linked to the business process.
- Originator
The user who launches the business process. The originator can be the Responsible User.
- Reject By
The user who rejects the business process.
- Reject To
The name of the user to whom the business process is assigned, after the rejection.
- Date Created
The date on which the business process is created.
- Changes Effective From
The date from which the changes to the business process are effective.
- Business Process Expired Date
The date on which the business process expires.
- Effective Date
The date from which the effectivity of the business process is applicable.
- Expired Date
The date up to which the effectivity of the business process is applicable.
- Designed Hours Required
The number of hours required by the design engineers to make changes to the objects involved in the engineering change.
- Maximum Duration
The maximum duration time for the user to respond to a task.
- Change in Production Cost
The change in cost of production after the impact analysis.
- Change in Non-recurring Cost
The change in non-recurring cost after the impact analysis.
- Change in Process Cost
The change in process cost after the impact analysis.
- Time Unit
The unit of time.
Allowed values
- Minute
- Hour
- Day
- Week
- Month
- Init Date
The date on which the business process is initiated.
- Object Type
The category used to classify the object.
Allowed values
- Item
- Folder
- Maintenance Sales Order
- Maintenance Sales Order Item Lines
- Bill of Material
- Contracts
- Inspection Plans
- Inspection Plan Characteristics
- Serial End Item Header
- Serial End Item Components
- Opportunity
- Warehouse Order
- Business Process
- Planned Order
- Purchase Requisition Order
- Incident Number CAR
- Incident Number CAR1
- Incident Number CAR2
- Incident Number CAR3
- CUSAI Number
- Planned Item
- ERP Work Center
- Instruments
- Tool
- Installation
- Adjustment Order
- Adjustment Order Line
- Warehouse Receipt
- Match Approve Pur Inv
- Manufacturer
- Supplier
- Contractor
- Category
- File
- Hardcopy
- Business Process Comment
- ECM File
- ECM Document
- Purchase Order
- Purchase Order Line
- Sales Order
- Sales Order Line
- Production Order
- Service Order
- Routing
- Routing Line
- Fixed Asset
- Sales Quotation
- Sales Quotation Line
- Purchase Inquiry
- Purchase Inquiry Line
- ECM Project
- Charge Element
- Employee
- Business Partner
- Customer BP
- Supplier BP
- Abstract Items
- Configuration Items
- Service Order Activity
- Project (TP)
- Project (PCS)
- E Item
- P Item
- Service Installation
- Installation Component
- Customize Routing
- Customize Routing Line
- ERP Task
- Generic
- ERP Machine
- Customized Item
- Service Call
- Service Contract
- Service Contract Quote
- Service Order Quote
- Service Quote Activity
- Reference Activity
- Budget
- Feature
- Calculation Part
- Routing Sheet Budget
- Routing Sheet Operation
- Sales Activity
- Purchase Requisition
- Purchase Req Line
- SCH Sales Contract
- SCH Sales Contract Line
- SCH Purchase Contract
- SCH Purchase Cont Line
- Option
- Abstract File
- Abstract Document
- Abstract BP
- Illustration
- Material
- Formula
- Markup
- Tessellation
- Plan Material Purchase Order
- Project Activity
- Labor Budget
- Equipment Budget
- Subcont Budget
- Sundry Budget
- Purchase Advice
- Purchase Advice Line
- Material Requisition
- Work Breakdown Structure
- System
- Document
- System Part
- Space
- Received Invoices
- Received Pur Invoices
- Received Pur Inv Line
- Serialized Items
- Serial Numbers
- Physical Breakdowns
- Work Order
- Work Order Activities
- Advance Warning
The time in hours to indicate when the user must receive a notification before the completion of maximum hours.
- Warn Time Unit
The unit of time.
Allowed values
- Minute
- Hour
- Day
- Week
- Month
- Warning Send Date
The date on which the warning is to be sent.
- Change in Part Weight
The numerical value to indicate the change in part weight after the impact analysis.
- System Step Parameter
The option to enable the automating of the customer's scripts.