Generation Parameters (pdsnp0100m000)

Use this session to define parameter settings for object generation.

Field Information

Introduction Date
The date and time when the parameter is introduced. The parameters with the most recent introduction date are valid.
The description of the parameter set.
Intermittent Save of Objects
Use Intermittent Save of Objects
If this check box is selected, you can use the intermittent save of objects when the object status is set to Draft.
Freeze Generation during Check-in
If this check box is selected, the application freezes the object generation process when you check-in the object.
Reset Generation Number on Check-Out
If this check box is selected, application resets the generation number when you check-out the object.
No Revision Change (for PLM Items)
Use No Revision Change
If this check box is selected, you can use the no revision change of objects when the object status is set to Released.
Freeze Generation during Check-out
If this check box is selected, the application freezes the object generation process when you check-out the object.
Use upload number for files

Indicate the option when the upload number must be generated.

Allowed values

Yes (Every Upload)
A new upload number is generated for each upload. When a file is re-uploaded, a new upload number is created.
Yes (Per Generation)
A new upload number is generated for each object generation. When a file is uploaded for the first time after creating a generation, the file is assigned with a new upload number. This upload number remains same even if the file is re-uploaded multiple times under the given generation.
Display generation for items

If this check box is selected, the generation for an item is displayed in the PLM Item (pdpdm1600m000) session.

Display generation for documents

If this check box is selected, the generation for the document is displayed in the Document (pdpdm2600m000) session.

Display generation for folders

If this check box is selected, the generation for the folder is displayed in the Folder (pdpdm3600m000) session.