Suppliers (pdpdm1120m000)
Field Information
- Item
The code of the item.
- Supplier
The code of the supplier.
The Supplier Part Number.
- Effective From
The date from which the supplier is effective.
- Effective To
The date up to which the supplier is effective. The application sets the date when a new revision of the item is released.
- Compliance Status
The item's supplier compliance according to standards and directive.
Allowed values
- No Data
- Pass
- Pass with Exemptions
- Fail
- Conditional Fail
- Partial Fail
- Not Relevant
- Not Applicable
- Certified Date
The date on which the item supplier is declared as certified for the first time.
- Short Comment
The information related to the supplier.
- Exemption Reason
The reason for compliance exemption.
- Description
The description or name of the code.
- Address
The address code of the supplier.
- Description
The description or name of the code.
- ZIP Code/Postal Code
The ZIP/Postal code of the supplier's address.
- City
The name of the city where supplier resides.
- Country
The country code of the supplier.
- Telephone
The telephone number of the supplier.
The official email ID of the supplier.
- Website
The official website of the supplier.
- P.O. Box Number
The post office number of the area.