PLM Export Conditions (pdexp0115m000)

Use session to view and maintain the conditions for PLM Export setup.

Field Information


The login ID of the user. The value in this field is populated from the Users (pdadm1500m000) session.


The name of the user.


The PLM project for which the export setup is created. The value in this field is populated from the PLM Projects (pdadm3500m000) session.


The description or name of the code.

Parent Index

The code of the parent index for the Selected object.

Child Index

The code of the child index for the selected object.

Target Table

The code of the linked object target table.


The description or name of the code.

Link Table

The code of the linked table between child and parent object.


The description or name of the code.

Link Label

The title of the link table.

Link Type

The category of link between exported object and linked object.

Action Type

The category of action.

Allowed values

Export All
Export Selected
Additional Links

The information about export, reference designators and local alternative.

Condition Guid

The unique ID for conditions.