Pre Copy Structure Data (pdcps1101m000)
Field Information
- Parent Index
The code of the parent for the selected object.
- Child Index
The code of the child index for the selected object.
- Src Object Table
The code of the parent table for the selected object.
- Link Table
The code of the linked table between child and parent object.
- Trg Object Table
The code of the child table linked to parent object.
- Link Type
The code of the root (main) item.
- Object Key
The code of the selected object.
- Revision
The revision number of the linked object.
- CAD Instance Name
The name of the linked object as specified in the CAD integration.
- Description
The description or name of the code.
- Object Type
The category used to classify the object.
- Action
The action performed on the selected object.
Allowed values
- Copy
If the action for the parent and child is set to Copy, PLM sets action for this reverse link (from child to parent) to Replace Link.
- Link
If the action for the parent and child object is set to Link, PLM sets the action for this reverse link (from child to parent) to No Action.
- Skip
If the action for the parent and child is set to No Link, PLM sets action for this reverse link (from child to parent) to Replace Link
- Replace Link
- Label
The label (name) of the object.
- New Object Key
The new code of the selected object.
- New File Name
The name of the new file.
- Updated On
The date on which the data is modified.