Pre Copy Structure Data (pdcps1101m000)

Use this session to review the product structure data before the new product structure is generated using the Copy Product Structure (pdcps1601m000) session.

Field Information

Parent Index

The code of the parent for the selected object.

Child Index

The code of the child index for the selected object.

Src Object Table

The code of the parent table for the selected object.

Link Table

The code of the linked table between child and parent object.

Trg Object Table

The code of the child table linked to parent object.

Link Type

The code of the root (main) item.

Object Key

The code of the selected object.


The revision number of the linked object.

CAD Instance Name

The name of the linked object as specified in the CAD integration.


The description or name of the code.

Object Type

The category used to classify the object.


The action performed on the selected object.

Allowed values


If the action for the parent and child is set to Copy, PLM sets action for this reverse link (from child to parent) to Replace Link.


If the action for the parent and child object is set to Link, PLM sets the action for this reverse link (from child to parent) to No Action.


If the action for the parent and child is set to No Link, PLM sets action for this reverse link (from child to parent) to Replace Link

Replace Link

The label (name) of the object.

New Object Key

The new code of the selected object.

New File Name

The name of the new file.

Updated On

The date on which the data is modified.